Strategic Objectives

ECW’s Strategic Plan measures performance and progress over time against the Fund’s strategic objectives:

Inspire Political Support and Financing

Inspiring political support and mobilizing funds for education in emergencies and protracted crises are crucial means to achieve ECW’s goal of supporting inclusive, quality education and delivering on SDG 4.

  • ECW mobilized a record amount for a calendar year in 2019, with $252.8 million secured from new and existing public and private donors, bringing the total amount mobilized since the Fund’s inception in 2016 to $585.9 million.
  • The ECW global advocacy movement gained momentum in 2019 with the global #Act4Ed campaign backed by hundreds of civil society organizations, which culminated in the successful first replenishment of the fund.
  • ECW diversified its funding base with support from the private sector. The private sector provided $17.7 million – representing 7 per cent of all funds raised in 2019, including a $12.5 million grant by the LEGO Foundation.
  • By the end of 2019, up to $120 million was leveraged at the country level through MYRPs, including new donor funding mobilized as well as existing donor funding more closely aligned through a joint review effort.
  • The ECW partner Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack, which provides data on attacks on education to advocate for more protection, helped bring the total number of countries endorsing the Safe Schools Declaration to 101 by the end of 2019.
  • ECW worked with strategic partners and donors emphasizing the importance of integrating and targeting gender in education, aligning its investments to the Charlevoix Declaration (2018) and Biarritz Partnership for Gender Equality (2019) to ensure at least 12 years of safe and quality education for all.

Progress Highlights

Total annual funding to education in emergencies as a percentage of global humanitarian funding
2019 Actual 2019 Target 2018 5.1% 4.6% 4.3%
* sector specific funding
Total funding raised and leveraged by ECW at global level in M US$
2019 Target 2019 Actual 2018 585.9 689 333.5
*Cumulative since inception.
Proportion of funding raised and leveraged as a result of non-traditional and private sources
2019 Target 2019 Actual 2018 7% 7.5% 2%

Improve Joint Planning and Timely Responses

ECW facilitates joint planning and supports more coherence between humanitarian and development education aid interventions.

  • ECW rapidly distributed funds to grantees using the FER window, with 50 per cent of countries that experienced sudden onset emergencies where ECW responded in 2019 receiving funds in less than eight weeks (all of there were natural disasters.)
  • The average number of days ECW took to disburse a FER grant from the date of the humanitarian appeal decreased from 119 days in 2017 to 52 days in 2019.
  • ECW developed six new MYRPs in 2019, using a strategy that targets children most in need with a multi-sectoral package of services, and gradually extends these ‘packages’ to more children using an iterative, evidence-driven process of scale-up.
  • ECW disbursed approximately $13 million using two regional FER grants, one in the Sahel and one in response to the Venezuela crisis, as opposed to responding with country-specific FER grants, to improve coherence and efficiency of regional responses.

Progress Highlights

Percentage of first emergency response countries where funds were disbursed up to eight weeks after the humanitarian appeal date
2019 Target 2019 Actual 2018 50%* 70% 41%
*This is for sudden onset emergencies only. For all FER grants in 2019, this is 14%.
Number of joint multi-year programmes developed with ECW support.
2019 Target 2019 Actual 2018 10 11 4

Strengthen Capacity To Respond

In building national and local capacity, ECW investments provide education stakeholders with the training, tools and information they need to deliver effective responses in emergencies and protracted crises.

  • In-country capacity of the education cluster has substantially increased – 55 per cent of country clusters now have dedicated information management officers alongside full-time cluster coordinators, up from 25 per cent in 2017.
  • ECW supported the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)to refine and further disseminate global public goods, such as its resource database and its minimum standard toolkit, to strengthen the capacity of responders.
  • National NGOs and government representation are increasingly engaged in the design, implementation, and leadership of the newly developed MYRPs and FERs. They inform needs assessments, act as local responders, and are part of the steering committees providing direction and making decisions.
  • About 26 per cent of ECW funding was allocated to local and national responders as directly as possible, in accordance with the Grand Bargain commitment.
Photo: © SUBEB/2019/Abba

Progress Highlights

Percentage of ECW funding allocated to local and national responders as directly as possible to improve outcomes for affected people and reduce transaction costs, in accordance with the Grand Bargain commitment
2019 Actual 2019 Target 2018 26% 22.1% 30%
Percentage of ECW-supported multi-year programmes that monitor at least two collective education outcomes (Actual 2019)
Absorptive capacity: Portion of grant budgets that has been reported as spent on services delivered
2019 Actual 2019 Target 2018 84% 75% 73%
*This indicator is a percentage of the planned/pro-rated expenditure.

Improve Data, Evidence and Accountability

ECW aims to strengthen its systems using data and evidence to support advocacy efforts and to help implement improved interventions across the programming cycle.

  • In 2019, ECW strengthened its systems to assess needs and examine gaps across countries and to inform its selection of new MYRP countries.
  • ECW supported the Global Education Cluster in revising its needs assessment package to provide more practical and up-to-date guidance on needs analysis and assessments.
  • Data availability on outcome-level results improved significantly during 2019: 83 per cent of FER grants completed in 2019 provided evidence on access, 50 per cent on continuity, and 17 per cent on learning outcomes.
  • ECW’s Acceleration Facility supported case studies on what worked and what did not in education management information systems used to manage data collected in emergencies and protracted crises.
Photo © Save the Children Uganda

Progress Highlights

Percentage of ECW-supported programs measuring affected communities’ access to education
2019 Actual 2019 Target 2018 83% (completed FER grants) 62% (MYRP grants with at least six months duration) 20% 67%
Percentage of ECW-supported programmes measuring survival, transition, or completion for crisis-affected children and youth
2019 Actual 2019 Target 2018 50% (completed FER grants) 38% (MYRP grants with at least six months duration) 20% 33%
Percentage of ECW-supported MYRPs having quality data on learning outcomes (without socio-emotional learning )
2019 Actual 2019 Target 2018 17% (completed FER grants) 23% (MYRP grants with at least six months duration) 15% 17%