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Amici de Bambini

#BAMBINIxLAPACE. Il supporto alle adolescenti ucraine rifugiate in Moldova: i kit per l’Igiene e la Dignità

Grazie al sostegno garantito dalla campagna di adozione a distanza #BAMBINIxLAPACE con le sessioni di educazione alla salute, Ai-Bi. ha consegnato i kit per l’Igiene e per la Dignità a 400 adolescenti moldave e ucraine delle realtà più svantaggiate. Ecco di che cosa si tratta

Il personale Ai.Bi. è stato supportato in questo delicato, ma importante, momento di incontri educativi non-formali dalle bibliotecarie delle località visitate e dalle insegnanti di riferimento delle 9 scuole (di Chisinau e del Nord del Paese) dove, con il sostegno di Education Cannot Wait ed in partnership con Unicef e Plan International, abbiamo avviato i Centri Risorse Educazionali (EduTech Lab).

Citta Di

P.Mattei,Gpe: mettere in campo azioni concrete su istruzione in Africa

Nei Paesi a basso reddito, 7 bambini su 10 non sono in grado di leggere una semplice storia a 10 anni. Il numero di bambini e giovani non scolarizzati è salito a 250 milioni. La situazione è particolarmente grave in Africa e le bambine sono ancora le più indietro. Tra le raccomandazioni inserite nel Piano Mattei, approvato la scorsa settimana dal Parlamento, c’è l’impegno del governo a intraprendere le opportune iniziative per evidenziare l’importanza del tema dell’istruzione per il futuro dello sviluppo sostenibile sia nella cornice strategica del Piano che in sede di Conferenza Italia-Africa, così come nel corso della Presidenza italiana del G7 nel 2024 e c’è l’impegno anche a prevedere un’apposita sessione dedicata, nell’ambito della Conferenza Italia-Africa, che vede la partecipazione dell’Unesco, della Global Partnership for Education (GPE), e di Education Cannot Wait (ECW).


For Davos 2024 To Matter, WEF Leaders Must Focus On Youth Potential

Young people need to be equipped with jobs and skills to take advantage of investments in industries like the creative arts, clean energy, and information technology.

However, conflict and other crises have resulted in more and more children bearing the brunt and missing out on education. That is why Education Cannot Wait, for instance, is seeking nearly $700 million to ensure the continuation of education for at least 20 million children currently without. This funding will help children learn across 19 countries in Africa alone.


Climate Crusaders Peshawar's Youth Igniting Change With 'Climate Dialogue

“Environmental Crisis is an Educational Crisis”

Drawing attention to the UN Climate Conference in Dubai, Yasmine Sherif, Chief Executive of the UN Global Fund for Education, declared the climate crisis an education crisis. She emphasized that climate change would affect millions of children, depriving them of their right to learn, play, and feel safe.

Citing data from the Education Cannot Wait (ECW), Sherif revealed that over 224 million children were affected by crises worldwide, with 62 million immediately and directly impacted by extreme weather events after 2020. Stressing the urgent need to understand the link between climate change and education disruption, Sherif called for integrating climate action and quality education. This integration, she argued, would equip a generation of climate stewards with the skills to adapt to a changing environment.


Piano Mattei/ Onori (M5S): approvato nostro emendamento su impegno per istruzione

“L'Africa sub-sahariana – ricorda Onori – ospita il maggior numero di bambini non scolarizzati al mondo, con i più alti tassi di abbandono e la maggiore carenza di infrastrutture, ma nessuna iniziativa in merito era prevista nella cornice del piano. Per questo – spiega – abbiamo presentato un emendamento a mia prima firma, approvato dal Parlamento, che impegna il Governo a intraprendere, nel contesto della cornice strategica del piano e in sede di Conferenza Italia-Africa, così come nel corso della Presidenza italiana del G7 nel 2024, tutte le opportune iniziative per evidenziare l'importanza del tema dell’istruzione per il futuro dello sviluppo sostenibile, anche prevedendo una apposita sessione dedicata, nell’ambito della citata conferenza, che veda la partecipazione dell’Unesco, della Global Partnership for Education (GPE), e della Education Cannot Wait (ECW)”.


UNOWAS Magazine N23 – January 2024 – Nigeria

“Beyond the need to place the issue of the impact of insecurity on education at the center of political and not just humanitarian concerns, the aim of this initiative was – among other things – to contribute to accelerating the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 2601(2021) and the Safe Schools Declaration, and to provide concrete recommendations to protect children’s access to education.

The key message delivered by the participants at the end of two days’ discussion confirms the urgency and importance that we must – all together – attach to this issue. “Today’s children are tomorrow’s decision-makers, and education cannot wait,” they declared.


Africa: Amidst a Horrendous 2023, Civil Society Is Fighting Back Society

Education Cannot Wait, a global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, lobbied at COP28 for a $150 million appeal to support school-aged children facing climate shocks, such as the devastating drought in Somalia and Ethiopia, and floods in Pakistan where many of the 26,000 schools hit in 2022 remain closed.

The Times

Andrew Mitchell: Give to Street Child and government will double the value

As we set out in the government’s international women and girls strategy, the UK is standing up for the right of every girl everywhere to secure the knowledge and skills she needs to reach her full potential. This includes the right of every girl to receive 12 years of quality education, including in wars and other crises.

The UK is the second largest donor to Education Cannot Wait, a global fund dedicated to education in emergencies and protracted crises, because we refuse to give up on the 224 million children and teenagers affected by the horrors of war, natural disasters and displacement. After all, one of the children we educate through this action may be the person who discovers a cure for cancer or invents the essential technologies of the future.

The Kathmandu Post

Fight to educate Afghan girls

Diplomatic recognition of the Taliban government, let alone fully normalised relations, is certainly out of the question as long as religious edicts deprive girls and women of their basic human rights. But that does not preclude the international community from taking steps to promote gender equality.

One such step would be developing new channels of communication—possibly though Qatar or the United Arab Emirates—with Taliban officials who understand that Afghanistan needs to educate all young people. The internal divisions within the regime have opened a window, albeit a small one. We must seize this chance to help give the world’s most oppressed girls and women the opportunity to realise their potential.


La educación salva vidas en Mali

Allí los acogimos gracias al programa Education can’t wait (La educación no puede esperar) que llevamos a cabo en el centro de Mali para apoyar los esfuerzos del gobierno maliense en hacer frente a la creciente demanda de ayuda humanitaria. El programa quiere mejorar el acceso de niñas, niños y adolescentes vulnerables de entre 3 y 18 años a una educación de calidad que cumpla las normas de seguridad, sanidad, organización y enseñanza en las zonas (círculos) de Mopti, Bandiagara, Douentza, Bankass y Koro. 

Revista de Prensa

Una ventana de oportunidad en la lucha para educar a las niñas afganas

Después de que expertos de las Naciones Unidas visitaran Afganistán a comienzos de este año, la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos (ACNUDH) concluyó en un informe que las políticas discriminatorias y misóginas de los talibanes y los métodos estrictos de cumplimiento constituyen “una persecución de género y un marco institucionalizado de apartheid de género”. Richard Bennett, el reportero especial sobre Derechos Humanos en Afganistán del ACNUDH, lo describió como “un crimen contra la humanidad”.

El reconocimiento diplomático del gobierno talibán y, por supuesto, las relaciones totalmente normalizadas ciertamente son impensables, en tanto los edictos religiosos priven a las mujeres y a las niñas de sus derechos humanos básicos. Pero eso no impide que la comunidad internacional tome medidas para promover la igualdad de género.

Japan Today

Japan pledges $3 million to provide education for refugees

Japan's contribution to "Education Cannot Wait," a global fund that provides education to those affected by emergencies and crises, will be allocated to support children in Ukraine, which has been under invasion by Russia since February 2022, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry.

"Japan is helping refugees and displaced persons become independent through education and vocational training. We strongly encourage them to develop their abilities so they can contribute to peace and reconstruction at home," Kamikawa said in her speech.

The second gathering of the international forum for refugees comes amid the intensifying war between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas since October and the conflict in Ukraine, which have fueled concerns about a surge in the number of refugees globally.