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Action. Unity. Impact. Global Refugee Forum Statement by ECW Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Ultimately, refugee inclusion is not only an opportunity to strengthen national education systems for refugees and host community children and adolescents. It is an opportunity to ignite change through empowering those whose extraordinary resilience will help all of us to advance human evolution in science, technology, medicine and the arts, just to mention a few. The greatest minds and souls are to be found in refugees and those who have offered them refuge.

Since operations commenced in 2017, almost one-third of the children Education Cannot Wait has reached are refugees. We will not stop.

SEA Newswire

Pendidikan Tidak Boleh Menunggu Mengumumkan Geran Tindak Balas Kecemasan Pertama US$2 Juta di Mesir untuk Memberi Akses Hidup-Menyelamatkan kepada Pendidikan untuk Kanak-Kanak yang Melarikan Diri dari Konflik di Sudan

“Peperangan kejam di Sudan perlu berhenti. Kanak-kanak sedang mati, kanak-kanak lelaki dan perempuan dinafikan hak asasi manusia dan maruah manusia mereka. Kita perlu bertindak sekarang sebagai komuniti global untuk menangani krisis kemanusiaan kompleks ini dengan memastikan kanak-kanak dan remaja mempunyai akses kepada persekitaran pembelajaran yang selamat dan melindungi, perkhidmatan kesihatan mental dan sokongan psikososial, dan peluang pendidikan yang menyeluruh yang lain. Kami menyeru pemimpin dunia untuk meningkatkan pembiayaan untuk pendidikan secara mendadak bagi menangani krisis memusnahkan ini,” kata Yasmine Sherif, Ketua Eksekutif Education Cannot Wait, dana global untuk kecemasan pendidikan dan krisis berpanjangan.

Press Vietnam

Giáo Dục Không Thể Chờ Đợi Công Bố Hỗ Trợ Khẩn Cấp Đầu Tiên Trị Giá 2 Triệu Đô La Mỹ Tại Ai Cập Để Cung Cấp Quyền Tiếp Cận Giáo Dục Cứu Mạng Cho Trẻ Em Trốn Chạy Xung Đột Ở Sudan

Hỗ trợ mới sẽ được thực hiện bởi Cơ quan Tị nạn Liên Hợp Quốc (UNHCR), hỗ trợ hơn 20.000 trẻ em với giáo dục chất lượng. Quỹ Giáo dục Không thể Chờ đợi kêu gọi các nhà tài trợ tăng cường tài trợ cho phản ứng khủng hoảng người tị nạn khu vực Sudan.

Là một phần trong phản ứng khu vực đối với cuộc khủng hoảng người tị nạn Sudan, Quỹ Giáo dục Không thể Chờ đợi (ECW) hôm nay công bố hỗ trợ mới trị giá 2 triệu USD tại Ai Cập. Hỗ trợ trong 12 tháng sẽ được thực hiện bởi UNHCR, cung cấp tiếp cận giáo dục cứu mạng cho trẻ em trốn chạy cuộc chiến ở Sudan.

Kyodo News

Japan vows $3 million to provide education for refugees

"We cannot significantly improve the situation by merely providing food, water, and shelter to vulnerable people. We must adopt a more future-oriented, medium- to long-term approach," Kamikawa said at the Global Refugee Forum in Geneva.

Japan's contribution to "Education Cannot Wait," a global fund that provides education to those affected by emergencies and crises, will be allocated to support children in Ukraine, which has been under invasion by Russia since February 2022, according to the Japanese Foreign Ministry.

Education News Today

Education International puts teachers in the spotlight at the Global Refugee Forum

On December 12, at the Global Refugee Forum - Education Campus, the GRF Task Team on Teachers convened a conversation about the urgent need to prioritise teachers in education responses in refugee and crisis settings. Moderated by EI’s Sonia Grigt, the event featured contributions from Chris Henderson (Geneva Graduate Institute and NORRAG), Fatou Niang (UNESCO, International Task Force on Teachers for Education 2030), Marianna Knirsch (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development), Heather Saunders (Global Partnership for Education), Itaf Alawawdeh (Save the Children Jordan), and Anfal Saqib (Education Cannot Wait).


Education Cannot Wait Announces US$2 Million First Emergency Response Grant in Egypt to Provide Life-Saving Access to Education for Children Fleeing Conflict in Sudan

As part of its regional response to the Sudan refugee crisis, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today US$2 million in new grant funding in Egypt. The 12-month grant will be delivered by UNHCR, providing life-saving access to education for children fleeing the war in Sudan.


UNHCR’s Education in Emergencies Response for Cameroonian Refugees in Chad 2022-2023

The Chadian government has welcomed refugees to its territory for decades, and with the support of UNHCR, the ministry of education has developed a strategy for the full inclusion of refugees into the local education system. To respond to the crisis, UNHCR and its partner Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) worked together with the Chadian Ministry of Education to provide an education-in-emergencies response for the Cameroonian refugees. This response would not have been possible without the generous support of the donors CERF and Education Cannot Wait.

Chester County Press

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$2 Million First Emergency Response Grant in Egypt to Provide Life-Saving Access to Education for Children Fleeing Conflict in Sudan

The brutal war in Sudan must stop. Children are dying, girls and boys are being denied their human rights and their human dignity. We must act now as a global community to address this complex humanitarian crisis by ensuring children and adolescents have access to safe and protective learning environments, mental health and psychosocial services, and other holistic education opportunities. We are calling on world leaders to substantially increase funding for education in response to this devastating crisis," said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.


2023 review: a big year of unlocking big change

Theirworld’s business initiative continued to mobilise companies to support education. In February, it made two major announcements on education in emergencies.

On behalf of the business community, it pledged an additional $50 million of support for the Education Cannot Wait fund. And it launched the Global Disaster Relief and Education Response Fund to provide businesses with on-the-ground information and ready-to-go partnerships to raise and distribute funds within 30 days of an emergency.

University World News Africa Edition

Climate change and education: Two sides of the same coin

The role of holistic climate change education, including at tertiary level, to drive long-term climate solutions has been emphasised by academics and environmental experts during COP28, but, highlighted Yasmine Sherif, the director of Education Cannot Wait, the United Nations Global Fund for Education in emergencies and protracted crises, the education sector is also hard hit by climate change.

Via Ritzau

Danmark styrker beskyttelse af børns skolegang mod klimakatastrofer

Når afgrøder udtørrer, kvæget dør af tørst eller alle ens ejendele skylles væk i en oversvømmelse, mister familier deres livsgrundlag. Forældre tvinges til at tage deres børn ud af skolen, hvis ellers skolen står der endnu. Konsekvenserne af klimaforandringerne rammer oftere og hårdere end nogensinde. For at sikre børns adgang til uddannelse trods de enorme udfordringer som klimaforandringerne skaber, bidrager Danmark nu med yderligere 45 millioner kroner til Education Cannot Wait, FN’s globale fond for uddannelse i humanitære kriser.


Israeli bombs pulverize Gaza’s educational system and the future of a society where there was no illiteracy

The person in charge recalls that this new crisis also adds to “intermittent or suspended” education for the children of Gaza, due to the covid-19 pandemic and repeated cycles of violence. “Despite everything, I have hope for the future of education in Gaza. There are plans, there are meetings with our partners,” he assures, citing, for example, the 10 million dollars of emergency aid granted these days by Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the UN global fund for education in emergency situations and prolonged crises. “But much more funding is urgently needed to meet the enormous needs of the 1.1 million children and adolescents who are suffering the consequences of this war,” said Yasmine Sherif, executive director of ECW.