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Today Headline

Freedom, Equality and Justice Lead to Peace — Global Issues

Human Rights Day Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine SherifToday we mark a milestone in history: the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. As people around the world commemorate Human Rights Day, we must also deeply reflect on the meaning of this historic document and what it takes to achieve peace in the world.

The inspiring preamble of the Universal Declaration is not the work of an indifferent or greedy mindset. It was crafted by those able to delve into their hearts and souls to authentically express the imperatives for peaceful co-existence in the world.

Diario Responsable

La juventud toma la palabra en la COP28

Mashkur Isa, también de YOUNGO, llamó la atención sobre la falta de participación continua de la representación juvenil en las actividades diarias de la COP28. A pesar de una alta representación en el auditorio, instó a una mayor presencia activa en las negociaciones climáticas de la ONU.

UNICEF informó que las catástrofes meteorológicas desplazaron internamente a 43.1 millones de niños en 44 países en seis años, afectando aproximadamente a 20,000 niños por día. La directora ejecutiva de La educación no puede esperar (ECW) hizo un llamado de 150 millones de dólares para abordar la crisis climática y destacó que 62 millones de niños y adolescentes han tenido su educación interrumpida debido al cambio climático.

Foreign Affairs CO NZ

MIL-OSI Translation: COP28: Young people say their voices and needs must come first in climate negotiations

UN News spoke to Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies, which recently published a report on the situation of education in developing countries.

That fund has just appealed for $150 million to step up efforts in response to the climate crisis.

Climate change has proven to be one of the biggest causes of post-conflict displacement,” said Yasmine Sherif, adding that displacement affects the education of children and young people and, ultimately, their future.

A new study by Education Can’t Wait shows that the education of 62 million children and adolescents has been interrupted as an immediate and direct consequence of climate change.

Greening Education: Education Paying Highest Cost For Ongoing Climate Crisis

Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), says that conflict- and climate-change-affected children are the least likely to enroll in or stay in school and are therefore the furthest left behind when it comes to fulfilling their basic human right to quality education. Many of these children are in the poorest and most vulnerable nations. ECW is the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

Stressing that the needs are enormous and responses must be immediate before the unfolding education crisis becomes irreversible, Sherif emphasized the need to build climate-resilient education systems as an adaptation measure, including climate change-proof education infrastructure that will ensure learning continuity.


Greening education key to Africa's climate challenge

There is increased focus on education at the COP28 climate talks amidst growing acknowledgement of the importance of the sector in responding to the uncertainty and displacement caused by climate change. FRANCE 24's Georja Calvin-Smith speaks to Yasmine Sherif, the head of the Education Cannot Wait fund, as she sets out the stakes from the crucial talks in Dubai. 

Noticias del Mundo

En toda África | La educación ecológica es clave para el desafío climático de África

Hay más atención a la educación en las conversaciones sobre el clima de la Cop28 en medio de un creciente reconocimiento de la importancia del sector para responder a la incertidumbre y el desplazamiento causado por el cambio climático. Georja habla con Yasmine Sherif, directora del fondo Education Cannot Wait, mientras le explica lo que está en juego en medio de las conversaciones cruciales en Dubai

France 24

Greening education key to Africa's climate challenge

There is increased focus on education at the COP28 climate talks amidst growing acknowledgement of the importance of the sector in responding to the uncertainty and displacement caused by climate change. FRANCE 24's Georja Calvin-Smith speaks to Yasmine Sherif, the head of the Education Cannot Wait fund, as she sets out the stakes from the crucial talks in Dubai.


RewirEd Summit at COP28 makes history by bringing education to the forefront of climate action to impact billions of children and youth globally

Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown, the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, said: “Dubai Cares, under the leadership of Tariq Al Gurg, has played a critical role in furthering the cause of education through the RewirEd Summit, and it is to Dubai Cares credit that they are leading worldwide, in their concern about the connection between climate change that we are facing and the denial of educational opportunity. An understanding that unless we act through Education Cannot Wait, and other educational agencies, droughts, floods, firestorms, cyclones, and other climate events are going to forcibly displace many more millions of children and adults, and in particular, deny children their right to education.”

Yahoo! Finance

This Week in Policy & Public Interest News: 11 Stories You Need to See

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$325,000 Grant to Support Survivors of Conflict-Related Sexual Violence Through Innovative Education Initiative
New ECW Acceleration Facility grant, delivered by the Global Survivors Fund, will provide quality education as a form of reparation for survivors of Boko Haram's conflict-related sexual violence and children born of war in Nigeria.

VIA Ritzau

Danmark styrker beskyttelse af børns skolegang mod klimakatastrofer

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) er FN’s uddannelsesfond, og fokuserer på uddannelse i krise- og konfliktområder.

Danmark har bidraget til ECW siden oprettelsen i 2016. I foråret annoncerede Danmark et kernebidrag til ECW på 415,0 mio. kr. for perioden 2022-26. Op til COP28 udsender ECW en klima appel med det formål at mobilisere USD 150,0 mio. i løbet af perioden 2023-2026 i ny og additionel finansiering med henblik på at accelerere fondens indsats for at sikre børns adgang til uddannelse i områder, hvor klimaforandringerne rammer. Med forbehold for bevilgende myndigheders godkendelse vil Danmark bidrage med 45 mio. kr. til denne appel, som kommer oveni kernebidraget.


Denmark Announces Groundbreaking US$6.5 Million Contribution to Education Cannot Wait to Scale-Up Education Response to the Climate Crisis

"Denmark makes the connection and we hope all climate change partners will follow. This generous contribution reaffirms that climate change and education are two sides of the same coin. It will catalyze our global efforts to scale-up quality learning opportunities on the frontlines of the climate crisis and deliver on the promises outlined in the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. As world leaders converge at the Climate Talks in Dubai, we must follow the visionary leadership of Denmark to act right here, right now, to connect the dots between climate action and education action. Together, we can now mitigate the human consequences of climate change, empower the most vulnerable children bearing the brunt of climate shocks, and ensure they are equipped with the skills to adapt to -- and manage -- the changing environment. Only then can we succeed in creating a climate friendly and thus more humane future," said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

New Delhi Times

Denmark Announces Groundbreaking US$6.5 Million Contribution to Education Cannot Wait to Scale-Up Education Response to the Climate Crisis

"Denmark makes the connection and we hope all climate change partners will follow. This generous contribution reaffirms that climate change and education are two sides of the same coin. It will catalyze our global efforts to scale-up quality learning opportunities on the frontlines of the climate crisis and deliver on the promises outlined in the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals. As world leaders converge at the Climate Talks in Dubai, we must follow the visionary leadership of Denmark to act right here, right now, to connect the dots between climate action and education action. Together, we can now mitigate the human consequences of climate change, empower the most vulnerable children bearing the brunt of climate shocks, and ensure they are equipped with the skills to adapt to – and manage – the changing environment. Only then can we succeed in creating a climate friendly and thus more humane future," said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.