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Kalkine Media

Our Teachers, Our Heroes : Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Statement on World Teachers' Day

We are in a race to deliver on our global promise of education for all by 2030 – especially for the 224 million girls and boys impacted by armed conflict, climate change, forced displacement and other protracted crises who so urgently need our support. At the frontlines of this movement are the inspiring, caring, brilliant teachers who work tirelessly to educate future generations.

As we commemorate World Teachers' Day – along with key partners such as the International Labour Organization, UNICEF, UNESCO and Education International – Education Cannot Wait honours the sacrifice, compassion and dedication of the world's teachers. We know you work long hours, with low pay. We know that after COVID-19, we face a massive learning and achievement gap. We know that world leaders have done far too little to support education or people like you on the frontlines, making learning happen day-in, day-out in classrooms around the world.


Story Teachers’ continuous development as a catalyst for inclusive education

Meet Ahlam Tlaib, a Chemistry teacher at a secondary school in Beit Our El-Foqa, a village west of Ramallah. Ahlam is one of around 2,500 teachers across Palestine who took part in Inclusive Education training provided by UNESCO within the framework of the Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP), funded by Education Cannot Wait.

Ahlam has been in the teaching profession for over 15 years. For her, teaching is one of the most rewarding professions. However, the limited access to continuous professional development and the Palestinian context increase the number of hurdles facing Palestinian teachers.

Christoffel Blindenmission

Inclusive education: our demands

Education is a prerequisite for development and participation in society. It is the basis for the free development of one's personality and an independent, fulfilling life. Education is a right that applies to everyone.

A global challenge such as education for all must, above all, be addressed globally. The best way is through multilateral platforms and funds such as the “Global Partnership for Education” (GPE) or the international initiative “Education Cannot Wait” (ECW), which takes care of education in crisis regions.

Inter Press Service

Wanted: Teachers For Change!

BONN, Germany, Oct 4 2023 (IPS) - Once a year, on October 5, we celebrate World Teachers’ Day. Why is it so important to have a closer look on the teaching profession? What is so special about being a teacher nowadays?

World Teachers’ Day is an international day which was established to attract public attention on the work of teachers. The day was established in 1994, in commemoration the signing of the “ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers” in 1966, which focused on “appreciating, assessing and improving the educators of the world” and on providing a global opportunity to consider issues related to teachers and teaching (see Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, World Teachers’ Day).

Global Partnership For Education

Sudan: $20 million to support emergency education needs from the Global Partnership for Education

As conflict and displacement continue to severely affect the population of Sudan, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) has approved accelerated funding of $20 million to help more than 285,000 children continue to learn in Sudan.

Over the next 18 months, the funds will help deliver urgent and vital education support to children in selected localities in the six states most affected by displacements: White Nile, Gezira, Kassala, River Nile, Sennar and South Kordofan. The two grants of $10 million each will be implemented by UNICEF and Save the Children respectively, along with Sudanese nongovernmental organizations.

El Economista

La gobernanza global, en reparación

Después de la cumbre del G20 de la India y la Asamblea General de la ONU de hace unas semanas, los líderes mundiales asistirán a las reuniones del Fondo Monetario Internacional y del Banco Mundial en Marrakech, antes de dirigirse a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP28) en Dubai. Pero hay poco optimismo en cuanto a que estas cumbres logren avances significativos para abordar nuestros mayores desafíos, no por falta de resolución, sino porque el código de reglas global que hemos estado siguiendo desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ya no es adecuado para su propósito.

News Africa Now

Au Mali, les élèves ont repris ce matin le chemin de l’école pour la nouvelle année scolaire 2023-2024

Aujourd’hui, c’est la rentrée scolaire au Mali et comme des millions d’enfants en Afrique et dans le monde, les élèves maliens ont repris le chemin de l’école pour la nouvelle année scolaire 2023-2024.

Cependant la situation de crise que connait le Mali ne permet pas à tous les enfants de jouir de leur droit fondamental d’accès à une éducation inclusive de qualité. Malgré les efforts du gouvernement et de tous les partenaires ayant permis la réouverture de plusieurs dizaines d’écoles en 2022/2023, 1,546 écoles étaient non fonctionnelles à la fin de l’année scolaire précédente, au détriment de plus de 460,000 enfants en âge scolaire.

« Le nombre d’enfants non scolarisés augmente chaque année en raison du taux de croissance démographique élevé du Mali et d’un taux d’accès en baisse, exacerbé par la crise sécuritaire donc un taux de décrochage scolaire élevé, » a déclaré le Représentant de l’UNICEF au Mali, Dr. Pierre Ngom.


UNICEF y el Gobierno de Canadá unen esfuerzos para la garantía de derechos de la niñez en Colombia

El gobierno de Canadá y UNICEF unen esfuerzos para garantizar los derechos de la niñez en el país, en materia de migración, salud, nutrición, WASH, educación y protección, con un enfoque especial en las mujeres y las niñas. Además, esta alianza contempla el fortalecimiento de la respuesta del Estado, para dejar capacidades instaladas que permitan la sostenibilidad de sus acciones en el país.

En el marco de esa alianza, el ministro de Desarrollo Internacional de Canadá, Ahmed Hussen, junto a un equipo de trabajo, visitaron el departamento de La Guajira en Colombia para conocer las dinámicas migratorias y poblacionales, así como las acciones que realizan UNICEF, ACNUR y OIM. Además, junto a OPS, el Gobierno de Canadá y UNICEF lanzaron la iniciativa CanGive para mejorar la implementación de los esquemas de vacunación en el país.

Economie Matin

Gordon Brown – Réparer la gouvernance mondiale

À la suite du sommet du G20 en Inde ainsi que de l’Assemblée générale des Nations Unies ce mois-ci, les dirigeants mondiaux assisteront aux réunions du Fonds monétaire international et de la Banque mondiale à Marrakech, avant de se rendre à Dubaï pour la Conférence des Nations Unies sur les changements climatiques (COP28). 

Investors Hub

This Week in Policy & Public Interest News: 12 Stories You Need to See

With thousands of press releases published each week, it can be difficult to keep up with everything on PR Newswire. To help journalists covering the policy and public interest industries stay on top of the week's most newsworthy and popular releases, here's a roundup of stories from the week that shouldn't be missed.


Send My Friend To School

Send My Friend to School call for the UK and other global leaders to take action for education as they convene for COP28 and the GRF this December

Globally, we are seeing record levels of forced displacement, especially amongst children and young people who make up the 40% of the world’s refugees. Nearly 224 million school-aged children, a staggering 200% increase since 2016, are estimated to be affected by emergencies, including climate change and forced displacement, and are in need of urgent educational support. 

We need to see concrete action by the UK government to ensure that all children can access education during times of crisis. This December, global leaders have two landmark opportunities at COP28 and the 2023 Global Refugee Forum (GRF) to deliver ambitious commitments to address these shared challenges, strengthen global resilience, and ultimately protect children’s right to education.

El Nacional

Arreglando la gobernanza global

Después de la cumbre del G20 de la India y la Asamblea General de la ONU de este mes, los líderes mundiales asistirán a las reuniones del Fondo Monetario Internacional y del Banco Mundial en Marrakech, antes de dirigirse a la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático (COP28) en Dubai. Pero hay poco optimismo en cuanto a que estas cumbres logren avances significativos para abordar nuestros mayores desafíos, no por falta de resolución, sino porque el código de reglas global que hemos estado siguiendo desde el final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ya no es adecuado para su propósito.