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Blu Radio

Organizaciones internacionales piden garantías para la educación en zonas afectadas por la violencia

En algunos departamentos como el Cauca, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Arauca y Chocó se están registrando acciones armadas que afectan gravemente los derechos de los niños y jóvenes en los territorios. Algunos menores de edad están en riesgo de reclutamiento, abuso sexual, y desplazamiento forzado, pero, además, en algunas zonas del país hay presencia de artefactos explosivos en los caminos a las escuelas.

Ante esto las organizaciones Save the Children, Unicef, World Vision, el Consejo Noruego para Refugiados y Fundación Plan han hecho un llamado a los actores involucrados en el conflicto para no afectar los derechos de los niños y permitir el acceso a la educación.



Educo ha celebrado este jueves un coloquio en el que ha defendido que la educación en contextos de emergencias humanitarias, como crisis climáticas, guerras o conflictos, «debe ser una prioridad».

Durante el acto, en el que han participado representantes políticos y de la sociedad civil, se ha presentado el informe ‘La educación en emergencias: el derecho urgente’, realizado por Educo, en el que se analiza la financiación en este ámbito.



Educo has held a colloquium this Thursday in which it has defended that education in contexts of humanitarian emergencies, such as climate crises, wars or conflicts, "must be a priority".

During the event, in which political and civil society representatives participated, the report 'Education in emergencies: urgent law', produced by Educo, which analyzes financing in this area, was presented .


Educo defiende que la educación "debe ser una prioridad" durante las crisis climáticas, guerras o conflictos

Educo ha celebrado este jueves un coloquio en el que ha defendido que la educación en contextos de emergencias humanitarias, como crisis climáticas, guerras o conflictos, "debe ser una prioridad".

Durante el acto, en el que han participado representantes políticos y de la sociedad civil, se ha presentado el informe 'La educación en emergencias: el derecho urgente', realizado por Educo, en el que se analiza la financiación en este ámbito.


Educo defends that education "must be a priority" during climate crises, wars or conflicts

Educo has held a colloquium this Thursday in which it has defended that education in contexts of humanitarian emergencies, such as climate crises, wars or conflicts, "must be a priority".

During the event, in which political and civil society representatives participated, the report 'Education in emergencies: urgent law', produced by Educo, which analyzes financing in this area, was presented.


Al Jazeera’s Folly Bah Thibault appointed to UN education fund

Al Jazeera’s Folly Bah Thibault, an acclaimed international journalist, has been appointed as a Global Champion for Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

“Folly Bah Thibault is a visionary journalist and humanitarian. As one of the world’s leading advocates for education, we are delighted to announce her as our new Education Cannot Wait Global Champion,” said Yasmine Sherif, the global fund’s executive director.

Prep-Class Digital Services

An NGO, Street Child Cameroon is recruiting a regional officer in Buea

Street Child works towards a world where all children are safe, in school and learning. We specialize in supporting children and communities in low-resource environments and emergencies: recognizing that the complex, compounded challenges that affect them require innovative, integrated interventions. Our interventions are informed by robust, rigorous evidence and results-oriented, optimized to create maximum impact for children at minimum cost. Since 2008, we have assisted over 850,000 children across 20+ fragile, conflict and crisis affected counties across Eastern Europe, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.

South Africa Spectator

Holistic Education Support in Colombia Extended to Counter Snowballing Learning Crisis

NEW YORK & NAIROBI, Apr 24 2023 – The largest external displacement crisis in Latin America’s recent history is unfolding as countries open their borders to an influx of refugees from Venezuela following unprecedented political turmoil, socio-economic instability, and a humanitarian crisis.

“Venezuela’s ongoing regional crisis is such that more than 6.1 million refugees and migrants have fled the country, triggering the second largest refugee crisis today. Colombia alone is host to 2.5 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants in need of international protection,” Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), tells IPS.

Jordan Business Online

Holistic Education Support in Colombia Extended to Counter Snowballing Learning Crisis

NEW YORK & NAIROBI, Apr 24 2023 – The largest external displacement crisis in Latin America’s recent history is unfolding as countries open their borders to an influx of refugees from Venezuela following unprecedented political turmoil, socio-economic instability, and a humanitarian crisis.

“Venezuela’s ongoing regional crisis is such that more than 6.1 million refugees and migrants have fled the country, triggering the second largest refugee crisis today. Colombia alone is host to 2.5 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants in need of international protection,” Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), tells IPS.

Noticias VITAL

Violencia armada pone en riesgo educación de la niñez colombiana; piden escuelas seguras

Las acciones armadas y violentas están afectando la continuidad del derecho a la educación y la protección de niñas, niños y adolescentes en Colombia. Según el Observatorio de Niñez y Conflicto Armado (ONCA), las afectaciones a niñas, niños y adolescentes por eventos armados aumentaron un 11,5 % en 2022.    Comprometiéndose a tomar acciones para que las escuelas sean lugares protectores y seguros para estudiantes, docentes y comunidad escolar en general, Colombia se adhirió a la Declaración sobre Escuela Segura. 

●  El Consejo Noruego Para Refugiados, Fundación Plan, Save the Children, Unicef y World Vision, con el apoyo del fondo Education Cannot Wait (la Educación No Puede Esperar) promueven esfuerzos conjuntos para tener entornos y escuelas más seguras.


En Colombia, ir a la escuela es un desafío de supervivencia

Organizaciones hacen llamado para tener escuelas seguras, contra acciones armadas y violentas.

“Les voy a hablar sobre un tema que afecta el derecho a la educación en mi territorio: el conflicto armado. Nos afecta porque las balas y los ataques han dañado los recursos que tenemos para nuestro aprendizaje y la infraestructura de nuestros colegios… Además, hacen que haya mucha deserción escolar, que muchos niños y niñas terminen en grupos armados o en desplazamiento forzado porque no tienen alternativas de aprendizaje…”


Saudi 60 Minutes

Folly Bah Thibault Appointed as Education Cannot Wait Global Champion

NEW YORK, April 25, 2023 /PRNewswire/ — Acclaimed international journalist Folly Bah Thibault today accepted her appointment as a Global Champion for Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises.

“Folly Bah Thibault is a visionary journalist and humanitarian. As one of the world’s leading advocates for education, we’re delighted to announce her as our new Education Cannot Wait Global Champion. With champions like Folly, we continue to build a global movement to ensure children affected by armed conflict, climate change, forced displacement and other crises can access the safety, hope and opportunity that a quality education provides,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of ECW.