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Education in Emergencies Financing in the Wake of COVID-19: Time to Reinvest to Meet Growing Needs

Funding for education in emergencies (EiE) is falling behind. It is far from meeting the needs of the millions of school-aged children and youth affected globally by crises, who require educational support. This is the conclusion of a new report released today by the Geneva Global Hub for EiE at an event hosted by the Permanent Missions of Switzerland and Niger to the UN in Geneva.


UNICEF Mali Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2: 30 April 2022

The center and north of Mali continue to be affected by constant insecurity due to attacks by non-state armed groups against civilians, intra- and inter-community conflicts, banditry.


Enhancing Effective Coordination, Data Production and Policy Development for Education in Emergency Response in Ethiopia

UNESCO has enhanced the effective coordination, data production and policy Development in emergency response in Ethiopia through the programme The Education Cannot Wait- “Strengthening institutional Education information systems for data-driven education in emergencies (EiE) and resilience to crises.

Asi Es Cucuta

ECW Y World Vision Realizan Donación De Uniformes Escolares Para La Niñez de Norte De Santander

Gracias al proyecto “La educación no puede esperar”, que realiza World Vision junto a Education Cannot Wait (ECW), se realizó la entrega de uniformes escolares para estudiantes en modalidad de aceleración de aprendizaje en 4 instituciones en el departamento de Norte de Santander.

TN Live News

A promising future in sight: Ameer's story – UNICEF

“I used to feel different. I’d wonder why the children I play with could read and write while I couldn’t,” says Ameer, 15, from rural Homs, central Syria, reflecting on his childhood. Ameer, the second among his five siblings, was born blind.

Ameer was eager to learn since early age. Raised by a loving family, his parents tried to enroll him in school when he reached school age. With the ongoing conflict there were delays and Ameer ended up starting school a year late. In 2014, he started Grade 1 and was also registered at the Blind Care Association, local NGO in the city.


ECW y World Vision realizan donación de uniformes escolares para la niñez de Norte de Santander

Gracias al proyecto “La educación no puede esperar”, que realiza World Vision junto a Education Cannot Wait (ECW), se realizó la entrega de uniformes escolares para estudiantes en modalidad de aceleración de aprendizaje en 4 instituciones en el departamento de Norte de Santander.

Cerca de  160 niños y niñas migrantes venezolanos, retornados colombianos y comunidad de acogida,, entre los 9 y 14 años, fueron beneficiados con esta donación que busca promover la permanencia, la integración e igualdad de condiciones al interior de la institución educativa.

Tunisie -Tribune

Plus de 5.000 attaques ciblant les écoles au cours des deux dernières années

Tunisie Tribune (5.000 attaques ciblant les écoles)- Les attaques armées contre les écoles sont de plus en plus nombreuses, a indiqué mercredi une agence onusienne relevant que ces assauts contre l’éducation ont augmenté dans le monde entier pendant la pandémie de Covid-19.

Selon un rapport publié ce 1er juin par la Coalition mondiale pour protéger l’éducation contre les attaques (GCPEA), plus de 9.000 élèves, enseignants et universitaires ont été blessés ou tués au cours des deux dernières années.



Education: more than 5,000 attacks in the last two years worldwide

Armed attacks on schools are on the rise, a UN agency said on Wednesday, noting that such attacks on education have increased around the world during the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to a report published on June 1 by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA), more than 9,000 students, teachers and scholars have been injured or killed in the past two years.

African Examiner

UN Body Announces New $2 Million Grant to Tackle Escalating Refugee Crisis in Niger

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations (UN) global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises have announced a new $2 million grant to address insecurity, school closures and escalating refugee crisis in Niger.

The new investment which will be delivered by the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with local strategic partners, will reach 22,000 girls and boys impacted by instability, displacement and school closures in the border region with Nigeria.

Human Rights Watch

Attacks on Education Increased Worldwide During Pandemic

(New York) – More than 9,000 students, teachers, and academics were harmed, injured, or killed in attacks on education during armed conflict over the past two years, according to Education under Attack 2022, a 265-page report published today by the Global Coalition to Protect Education from Attack (GCPEA). More than 5,000 separate attacks on education facilities, students, and educators, or incidents of military use, took place in 2020 and 2021, a significant increase over the previous two years.


$2 Million Grant for 22,000 Refugee Children in Niger

NEW YORK, JUNE 1: Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, on Wednesday announced $2 million grant in financing for a new education in emergencies response that will reach 22,000 children and adolescents impacted by instability and the growing refugee crisis in Niger.

The new investment will be delivered by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) with local strategic partners and will address the impact of insecurity on the closure of schools and the endangerment of out-of-school children in the Maradi and Tahoua regions of Niger.


Former UK Prime Minister: The fight we must fight is the education crisis

In an interview with Tec Review, he explains the consequences that the pandemic has left on education and how the gap has widened in the poorest countries.