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Showing 121 - 132 of 1322 results

'Combat for education': ECW empowers children ravaged by war to learn, heal, become 'future leaders'

FRANCE 24's Mark Owen is joined by Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises. Leading the "combat for education" for the past several decades across the world, in war-torn countries, and unstable regions experiencing conflict and insurgencies, her modus operandi is simple: "Abnormal problems require extraordinary solutions". On ECW's official website, she is introduced to us as "A lawyer specialized in International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Law (LL.M), she has over 30 years of experience with the United Nations and international NGOs. Ms. Sherif has served in some of the most crisis-affected areas of the world, including Afghanistan and the Middle East, the Balkans, Cambodia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan." 

Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria

ECW wants increased funding for northeast education

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), a global fund dedicated to education in emergencies and protracted crises, has called for increased funding to support a successful joint program in Nigeria specifically focusing on addressing educational needs for children and adolescents in the Northeast.

The Executive Director of ECW, Yasmine Sherif, and representatives from the governments of Germany and Norway, who advocated for this scale-up, revealed that the intervention had already gulped in US$15 million in the Northeast.

Leadership News

ECW Donates $15m To Displaced Children

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) has renewed multi-year investment that has exceeded its targets and reached over 400,000 children and adolescents with quality, holistic education in areas affected by the crisis in North-East Nigeria with up to $15 million.

BBC Afrique

BBC Afrique Interview with Graham Lang, ECW Deputy Director, Following High-level Mission to Nigeria

On a high-level mission in Nigeria this week, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif, accompanied by high-level representatives from the Governments of Germany and Norway, announced a planned US$15 million allocation to renew the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme in the North-East of the country. The funding is subject to ECW’s Executive Committee approval.

ECW’s new catalytic grant funding for the planned Multi-Year Resilience Programme shall build on its US$23.6 million investments in the North-East of Nigeria, which have reached more than 400,000 children since 2018. The investments are delivered in partnership with the Ministry of Education, UN agencies, and international and local civil society partners. With a focus on building lasting solutions applying the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, ECW investments in North-East Nigeria have provided children with learning materials, supported teacher training and incentives, school feeding, provided essential mental health and psychosocial support for girls and boys impacted by the conflict, and worked with the national and state governments to get children back to school through permanent community-based programmes.

Euro News

Folly Bah Thibault, the journalist changing the story on girls’ education

Born into a family of five girls but in a patriarchal society in Guinea, a culture which for a long time did not see women as equal members of society. Folly believes education is a game changer.

Folly is a wife, mother, journalist, and the Global Ambassador for ‘Education Cannot Wait’. The United Nations education fund for emergencies and protracted areas ensures everyone has the right to receive an education.  It’s given her scope to reach more children globally and give back to Africa, the continent she comes from.

Inter Press Service

Call for Scaled Up Funding for Much-Needed, Successful Joint Program in Nigeria

Nigeria is home to 15 percent of the world’s out-of-school children. More than 7.6 million girls are not in school, and only nine percent of the poorest girls in the country are in secondary school. The Boko Haram insurgency and other armed groups fuel the out-of-school crisis in northeast Nigeria, disrupting the education of nearly two million school-age children.

Grave violations of children’s rights prevail in northeastern areas, including the abduction of thousands of children and young people; girls are enslaved and sexually exploited, and boys forced to become child soldiers. Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif visited communities affected by the conflict and interconnected crises, witnessing first-hand the positive impact of ECW’s initial Multi-Year Resilience Programme (2021-2024).


Education Cannot Wait Calls for Scaled Up Funding for Successful Joint Programme in Nigeria During High-Level Mission Together with Representatives for Governments of Germany and Norway

On a high-level mission in Nigeria this week, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif, accompanied by high-level representatives from the Governments of Germany and Norway, announced a planned US$15 million allocation to renew the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme in the North-East of the country. The funding is subject to ECW's Executive Committee approval.   

On the mission, Dr Heike Kuhn, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Head of Education Division at Germany'sFederal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Merete Lundemo, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Special Envoy for Education in Crisis and Conflict for Norway'sMinistry of Foreign Affairs, and ECW's Executive Director Yasmine Sherif met with senior government officials, including the Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Tahir Mamman, and Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, and aid partners.

Business Today

Education Cannot Wait Calls for Scaled Up Funding for Successful Joint Programme in Nigeria During High-Level Mission Together with Representatives for Governments of Germany and Norway

On a high-level mission in Nigeria this week, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif, accompanied by high-level representatives from the Governments of Germany and Norway, announced a planned US$15 million allocation to renew the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme in the North-East of the country. The funding is subject to ECW's Executive Committee approval.   

On the mission, Dr Heike Kuhn, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Head of Education Division at Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Merete Lundemo, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Special Envoy for Education in Crisis and Conflict for Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and ECW's Executive Director Yasmine Sherif met with senior government officials, including the Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Tahir Mamman, and Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, and aid partners.


Education Cannot Wait Calls for Scaled Up Funding for Successful Joint Programme in Nigeria During High-Level Mission Together with Representatives for Governments of Germany and Norway

On a high-level mission in Nigeria this week, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif, accompanied by high-level representatives from the Governments of Germany and Norway, announced a planned US$15 million allocation to renew the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme in the North-East of the country. The funding is subject to ECW's Executive Committee approval.

On the mission, Dr Heike Kuhn, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Head of Education Division at Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Merete Lundemo, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Special Envoy for Education in Crisis and Conflict for Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and ECW's Executive Director Yasmine Sherif met with senior government officials, including the Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Tahir Mamman, and Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, and aid partners.

Yahoo! Finance

Education Cannot Wait Calls for Scaled Up Funding for Successful Joint Programme in Nigeria During High-Level Mission Together with Representatives for Governments of Germany and Norway

On a high-level mission in Nigeria this week, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif, accompanied by high-level representatives from the Governments of Germany and Norway, announced a planned US$15 million allocation to renew the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme in the North-East of the country. The funding is subject to ECW's Executive Committee approval.

On the mission, Dr Heike Kuhn, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Head of Education Division at Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Merete Lundemo, Co-Chair of the ECW Executive Committee and Special Envoy for Education in Crisis and Conflict for Norway's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and ECW's Executive Director Yasmine Sherif met with senior government officials, including the Minister of Education, Hon. Dr. Tahir Mamman, and Borno State Governor, Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum, and aid partners.

BBC News Afrique

Le Journal 24 février 2024

 Le premier rendez-vous d'information de la matinée.

Champignonnage, jardins scolaires et champs communautaires : des efforts pour pérenniser les cantines scolaires dans la province du Tanganyika

L’école primaire Vumiliya est l’une des écoles au sein desquelles le programme d’alimentation scolaire est mis en œuvre dans la province du Tanganyika. Grace au financement de ECW, environ 560 élèves de cette école située à 13 kilomètres à l’ouest de la ville de Kalemie reçoivent chaque jour un repas chaud et nutritif. Ce repas fourni par le PAM soutient l’éducation en milieu rural et contribue à la rétention des élèves à l’école et à leur assiduité pendant les heures de cours.

Pour pérenniser les cantines scolaires sensibles à la nutrition, les élèves, leurs parents et encadreurs produisent des aliments locaux et promeuvent les activités agricoles et alimentaires au sein de leurs communautés.