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Nuestra lucha por la educación es una lucha por los derechos de las mujeres

El personal docente refugiado y quienes trabajan en campos de refugiados soportan una responsabilidad aún más abrumadora. La voz de Aloyo Stella resonó con contundencia durante su intervención en el Foro de Alto Nivel "La educación no puede esperar": "Desearía que pudieran ponerse en mi lugar durante una hora. Así entenderían la realidad en la que vivimos. Ser una docente refugiada implica trabajar con 200 estudiantes en un aula, ayudar a los niños y niñas a desenvolverse en un lugar desconocido, con escaso material didáctico o apoyo, todo por un salario de 120 USD al mes, que no es suficiente para alimentar a nuestra familia y que ni siquiera se nos paga a tiempo”. Stella concluyó su intervención en el Foro con un llamado a la acción: "Yo estoy haciendo mi parte, hagan ustedes la suya".

EIN Presswire

Our fight for education is a fight for women’s rights

Refugee teachers and those working in refugee camps shoulder an even heavier burden. Aloyo Stella's voice echoed powerfully when she spoke at the Education Cannot Wait High Level Forum: “ I wish you could stand in my shoes for an hour. You would understand where I am coming from.” Being a refugee teacher means working with 200 students in your classroom, helping children navigate an unfamiliar place with little in the way of teaching materials or support, all for USD 120 a month that is not enough to feed your family and that is not even paid on time. Stella ended her intervention at the Forum with a call to action: “I am doing my part, do your part.”


Borno govt., UNICEF partner to return children orphaned by Boko Haram to school

In this report TVC News Jesse Tafida takes a look at how the 13 year Boko Haram insurgency has shattered the dreams of millions of children who are set to be the leaders of tomorrow.

13 year old Yagana Umar, displaced with her mother from Monguno Local Council.

This is Yagana today.

She’s back to school, learning alongside her new friends.

This was made possible due to effort put in place by Government, UNICEF and Education Cannot Wait.


Latin America and the Caribbean determine regional priorities on education for people in mobility situations at UNESCO forum

The fourth edition of the regional forum "Education Beyond Borders, regional solidarity for ensuring the right to education for people in mobility contexts", held in Santiago on January 23 and 24, 2024, was organized by UNESCO together with the Regional Education Group for Latin America and the Caribbean. The event was part of the multi-year resilience program of Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and was supported by the Government of Canada (GAC).


Ethiopia Education Cluster Quarterly Newsletter October - December 2023

Advocacy and Resource Mobilization

  • Collaborated with refugee working group on donor roundtable discussion in Addis Ababa on humanitarian education needs, with eight high-level donors represented

  • Prepared EiE funding analysis for Ethiopia

  • Continued liaising with Education Cannot Wait for development of Phase II of the Multi Year Resilience Programme for Ethiopia (2024-2026)


The Battle for Girls’ Education in Conflict Zones Rages On

With the growing prevalence and length of conflicts worldwide, already widespread gender disparities in entry to education are more likely to improve. The penalties of those rising academic disparities shall be detrimental for each the ladies themselves and their communities.

“Conflicts are really exacerbating existing inequalities in access to education and skills building, particularly adolescent girls and girls with other intersecting vulnerabilities, such as the girls with disabilities or refugee girls or who are forcibly displaced,” mentioned Jihane Latrous, gender supervisor at Education Cannot Wait, a world fund dedicated to discovering methods to satisfy the tutorial wants of kids impacted by conflicts.

Sashen Hausa

Kungiya Mai Zaman Kanta Zata Kashe $15m Akan Ilimin Yara A Arewa Maso Gabashin Najeriya

Wata Kungiya Mai Zaman Kanta, Wato “Ilimi Baza Ta Jira Ba” (ECW) , mai sadaukar da kai ga ilimi a cikin gaggawa da kuma rikice-rikice masu tsayi, ta sanar da shirin ware dalar Amurka miliyan 15 don sabunta shirin ECW na tsawon shekaru da yawa a Arewa maso Gabashin Najeriya.


US presents special digital education program for Ukrainian children

Education Cannot Wait is the first foundation to invest $6 million since the beginning of the war for the needs of Ukrainian children.

The Fund has been actively cooperating with the Ukraine's education ministry and local partners since the beginning of the war.

Thanks to the charitable initiative of international foundations and Ukrainian partners, 5,000 students have received tablets for learning.

The News on Sunday

Prioritising education

In the wake of the devastating floods of 2022 that wreaked havoc across Pakistan, the province of Balochistan found itself wrestling with the profound aftermath, especially in most affected districts of Jaffarabad, Naseerabad, Sohbatpur and Awaran. The floods not only caused extensive damage to infrastructure but also disrupted the continuity of education for countless children.

The UNICEF-supported Education Cannot Wait project, spearheaded by the International Rescue Committee and other partners, was at the forefront of addressing the educational needs of the affected communities, particularly children who faced barriers to attending schools due to various challenges brought forth by the floods.


У США презентують спеціальну програму з цифрової освіти для українських дітей

За кілька тижнів Глобальний фонд «Освіта не може чекати» (Education Cannot Wait) спільно з Міністерством освіти і науки України презентують в США спеціальну мультисекторальну програму з цифрової освіти для українських дітей.

Про це розповіла виконавчий директор Education Cannot Wait Ясмін Шеріф під час дискусії на тему: «Цифрова освіта. Забезпечення доступу до навчання під час повномасштабної війни", що відбулася в Укрінформі і була організована ГО "Українська Посмішка" та БО "100% Життя", які реалізовують в Україні проєкт «Надання цифрових інструментів для подолання відставання у навчанні, соціального-емоційного розвитку та оцінки стану психічного здоров’я для найбільш вразливих 35 000 дітей у сільській місцевості» за підтримки Гуманітарного фонду для України.

News Trujillo

Educación inclusiva y de calidad: más de 10,000 estudiantes peruanos y migrantes en La Libertad se convierten en ejemplo de integración e igualdad

Las organizaciones involucradas en +DIVERSIDAD renovaron su compromiso con lograr que más niños, niñas y adolescentes logren acceder a una educación inclusiva y de calidad. +DIVERSIDAD es un programa de ‘Education Cannot Wait’, liderado por UNICEF en alianza con RET, UNESCO y World Vision, con Alternativa, HIAS y Save the Children como socios en territorios.

Save the Children

Sara’s path to resilience

Sara shares her aspirations for the future, saying, "When I grow up, I want to become a doctor to help people who need treatment."  Her words reflect not only her resilience in the face of hardship, but her empathy for other people’s suffering. 

The young student is also enrolled in our additional education classes funded by Education Cannot Wait, where our teachers are helping catch Sara up on the classes she’s missed while injured.