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Global Connections Television

Global Connections Television - Interview with ECW Director Yasmine Sherif

Yasmine Sherif, Director of the United Nations Education Cannot Wait Program, highlights how Education Cannot Wait (ECW) is the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises. ECW supports and protects holistic learning outcomes – so no one is left behind. A recent Global Estimates Study revealed that there are now 222 million crisis-affected children and adolescents in need of urgent, educational support; a significant increase from the estimated 75 million children in 2016


ONU alerta de crisis global en educación: 78 millones de niños no asisten al colegio

En su más reciente informe, la ONU señaló que la cantidad de niños y niñas en edad escolar afectados por la crisis ha incrementado en un 196% en los últimos seis años: pasó de 75 millones en 2016 a 222 millones para 2022.


La ONU alerta de una “crisis global de educación” de mayor magnitud de lo que calculaba

Todas las tardes, muy puntual, llega Antony, de 17 años, al espacio de refuerzo escolar que tiene Save the Children en su comunidad en Colombia. Desde que él y su familia huyeron de su país natal, Venezuela, no había tenido la oportunidad de estudiar. “Soy migrante. Llegué aquí hace cuatro años y no contaba con los documentos necesarios para entrar en una escuela. Hace tres, empecé a asistir a las actividades de Save y ellos me ayudaron a entrar en un colegio. En las mañanas voy a la escuela, en las tardes, al espacio de refuerzo de la organización”, explica el chico por videollamada. Lo necesita, dice, porque considera que lo que aprende en la jornada lectiva formal “no es suficiente”.

Canada champions education, youth voices at ministerial pre-summit in lead up to UN Transforming Education Summit

Conflict, increasing food insecurity, the climate crisis and the COVID‑19 pandemic have disrupted education for millions of children and youth worldwide, particularly the most marginalized including those who are displaced, especially girls and adolescent girls. Canada remains committed to working with partners and youth to help ensure quality education and lifelong learning opportunities are available to all children.


Education for Moldova’s Refugee Children: Putting Data at the Heart of Decision-Making

Four months ago, daily scenes emerged of refugees lining up across the Moldovan-Ukrainian border to seek refuge from the war unfolding at home.

This marked the beginning of a regionally led emergency response to support the transit of 6.5 million Ukrainians - mostly women, children, and older people - into neighbouring nations. As it currently stands, Moldova, one of Europe’s poorest and smallest countries, hosts the highest number of Ukrainian refugees per capita.

Yahoo! Finance

Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support

The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.


Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support

The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.

PR Newswire

Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support

The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.

Yahoo! News

Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support

The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.


Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support

The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.

ABC 27

Education Cannot Wait: 222 Million Crisis-Impacted Children in Urgent Need of Educational Support

The United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), released a shocking new report today that indicates the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children requiring educational support has grown from an estimated 75 million in 2016 to 222 million today.

United Nations Multimedia

222 million crisis-hit children currently require educational support

The UN global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), outlines that of those 222 million girls and boys, as many as 78.2 million are out of school, and close to 120 million who are in attendance are not achieving minimum proficiency in math or reading.