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Showing 1237 - 1248 of 1297 results
Inside Philanthropy

The New CEO of the LEGO Foundation on Helping Vulnerable Children in Times of Crisis

Over the past few years, institutions have cracked under multiple strains, including disasters that have disrupted the education of a full 90% of the world’s children and displaced legions more. But through it all, the LEGO Foundation has rarely missed a chance to help vulnerable children.

During the COVID pandemic, the foundation has balanced a strategic commitment to the power of play with clear-eyed investments in health and safety measures, totaling more than $200 million. It has also stepped up in crisis situations. When a major earthquake rocked Haiti last fall, the foundation and LEGO’s owners committed $16 million in support. And when war broke out in Ukraine, it came through again, to the tune of $16.5 million.

Global Citizen

Why is Empowering Adolescent Girls Key to Ending Extreme Poverty NOW?

In addition to the World Bank and the School Meals Coalition, several organizations and initiatives are already in place to support adolescent girls and end extreme poverty but need more support.

ECW tackles the roadblocks preventing girls in crisis from attending school, and promotes the integration of a gender lens in education policies and practices. 


Humanitarian Emergency: Chad receives $2.5 Million Grant from ECW

In response to increasing intercommunal violence in Cameroon that has sparked an expanding refugee crisis in neighboring Chad, the ECW organization today announced US$2.5 million in funding for a new refugee response. education in emergencies that will reach 14,547 refugee and host community children and adolescents in the border region of Chad. This new funding brings ECW's total investment in Chad to US$36 million to date.

African Eye Report

Education Cannot Wait Responds to Expanding Refugee Crisis in Chad

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) today announced a $2.5 million in grant financing for a new education in emergencies response that will reach 14,547 host community and refugee children and adolescents in Chad’s border region.

All Africa

Africa: Today Is the Time for Transformation

"The global loss of childhood and sense of despair have become universal. This is a shameful trend for humanity and the time has come to transform despair into hope. The most cost-effective and efficient way to do so is through urgent, substantive and predictable financial investments in quality education for those children left furthest behind in emergencies and protracted crises." - ECW Director Yasmine Sherif.

News Break

ECW $2 Million Grant for 20,000 Refugees in Ethiopia

Conflicts in northern Ethiopia's Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions have pushed children and adolescents out of school and are fueling humanitarian needs. In response, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the UN global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, announced on Saturday a $2 million First Emergency Response Grant that will reach more than 20,000 refugees and displaced, as well as host community children and adolescents.

Kuwait Financial Express

Education Cannot Wait Interviews Leonardo Garnier, Special Adviser of the UN Secretary-General for the Transforming Education Summit

"We must ensure sufficient, sustainable, and predictable funding for education in emergencies, including by supporting Education Cannot Wait’s funding need." 


Statement by Education Cannot Wait Director Yasmine Sherif on Deadly Attack on School in Ukraine

Education Cannot Wait joins the international community in calling for an immediate end to all attacks against children, teachers and schools following the bombing of a school in Bilohorivka, Luhansk region, Ukraine, in which dozens are feared dead, including amongst those taking shelter there.


ECW $2M Grant for 20,000 Refugees in Ethiopia

NEW DELHI, MAY 7 : Conflicts in northern Ethiopia's Afar, Amhara and Tigray regions have pushed children and adolescents out of school and are fueling humanitarian needs.

In response, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the UN global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, announced on Saturday a $2 million First Emergency Response Grant that will reach more than 20,000 refugees and displaced, as well as host community children and adolescents.

Inter Press Service

Today is the Time for Transformation

“I first think about my children. They are why we were forced to leave – because our children are always our first concern.”

These are the moving words of Victoria, who fled the brutal war in Ukraine with her two daughters. Her eyes welling up with tears, she recalled their dangerous journey from Ukraine. She and her two school-aged daughters were forced to leave behind everything they have ever known.

Diva International Diplomat

Education Cannot Wait - a unique United Nations Success Story

With her staff, Ms. Sherif has built up the fund to make it one of the United Nations’ success stories.

Health Journal Online

Breaking Taboos around Menstruation and Leaving No Girl Behind — Global Issues

“We must break down barriers that keep young and adolescent girls, like Hadiza, from the classroom. This is precisely what Education Cannot Wait is doing through our support of menstrual hygiene management for girls in Chad and other crisis-affected countries. Together with our partners on the ground, we ensure that girls no longer miss class during their period. This is a crucial investment in the education and futures of girls,” says ECW Director Yasmine Sherif.