Results for Children

girls in their classroom sitting at a table smiling and laughing

© UNICEF/Khuzaie

ECW outcomes focus on access, equity and gender equality, continuity, quality learning, and safe and protective learning environments.

  1. icon of people offering money and support

    1. and 3.
    Improved Access and
    Continuity of Education

  2. paper depicting strategies

    Strengthened Equity and
    Gender Equality

  3. light bulb and pencil icon

    Improved Learning
    and Skills

  4. light bulb and pencil icon

    Safe and Protective
    Learning Environments

icon of people offering money and support

Beneficiary Outcomes 1 and 3

Improved Access and Continuity of Education

ECW has estimated that as of 2023, 224 million crisis-affected children and adolescents globally need education support. Almost a third of these children are out of school. Ensuring that crisis-affected children are provided with continuous quality learning and stay in school until they complete their education are essential priority areas for ECW.

A student sitting with headphones listening to educational materials on her tablet


Increased Access and Continuity of Education

100% of programmes reporting on access to education as an outcome in 2022 show increased enrolment and attendance among learners. 96% of programmes reporting on education continuity in 2022 show improvements in the rates of completion or transition to a new education level, grade or non-formal to formal system. 80% of programmes show a similar or better level of gender parity in access and continuity of education.

Ajak smiling and holding a workbook at school with her classmates

Another Chance for Ajak at School in South Sudan

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Improving Completion and Transition

94% of programmes reported completion rates of 50% or higher for children completing their programme, education level or grade. 80% of programmes reported transition rates of at least 50%.

Stronger Focus on Early‑Childhood and Secondary Education

From 2019 to 2022, the proportion of total pre-primary and secondary school-aged children reached grew from 5% to 9% and 3% to 13% respectively. Budget allocations at early childhood and secondary education levels have increased to 11% for pre-primary and 15% for secondary education over the 2018–2022 period.

Progress Highlights

Outcome 1

Number of teachers and administrators recruited and/or financially supported since inception

5,703 (30% female) by 2018 168,855 (29% female) by 2022

Number of classrooms (including temporary learning spaces) built or rehabilitated since inception

*57 % adapted/accessible to children with disabilities

2,798 by 2018 21,052* by 2022

Number of children/youth (aged 3-18) reached with non-formal education programmes since inception

464,528 (48% girls) by 2018 1,124,018 (50% girls) by 2022

Number of households in ECW-supported communities receiving cash transfers for education since inception

21,081 by 2019 33,864 by 2022

© JRS Chad/Irene Galera

Progress Highlights

Outcome 3

Percentage of ECW-supported programmes with increased survival, transition or completion of crisis-affected children and youth

100% by 2019 96% by 2022

Number of children (aged 3-8 years) reached with early childhood education services since inception

78,425 (50% girls) by 2018 719,413 (50% girls) by 2022

Number of children (aged 3-18) who received quality school feeding since inception

266,376 (62% girls) by 2020 581,294 (48% girls) by 2022

Number of ECW-supported countries that have adopted accreditation frameworks for accelerated/non-formal education programmes for crisis-affected children

*58% of 26 MYRPs

2 countries by 2018 14 countries* by 2022
icon of people offering money and support

Beneficiary Outcome 2

Strengthened Equity and Gender Equality

Equity and gender equality in emergencies and protracted crises are at the forefront of ECW’s mandate. To fulfil its commitments on gender and inclusive education, ECW set ambitious targets of reaching 60% of girls and 10% of children with disabilities in all its investments.

© UNICEF/Dejongh

Meda talking in front of her class holding a plant

Meda Finds Hope in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

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More girls than boys supported in 2022

Over half of all children supported in 2022 (2.08 million) were girls aged 3 to 18. Notably, ECW-supported programmes are now reaching more girls than boys for the first time across pre-primary and secondary education levels, within refugee populations, within non-formal education, and through the FER funding window.

Reaching Children with Disabilities

ECW reached more than 65,800 children and adolescents with disabilities through active grants in 2022 (1.6% of all those reached). The number of children with disabilities reached by MYRPs increased by an encouraging 140% – from 25,500 (47.5% girls) in 2021 to 61,200 (48.7% girls) in 2022.

Reaching Forcibly Displaced Children

In 2022, ECW reached more than 883,500 refugees (51% girls) and nearly 580,000 IDPs (48.3% girls). More girl refugees (50.6%) than boy refugees were reached in 2022, particularly at the pre-primary and primary levels.

Number and Percentage of Girls Reached

Bar chart representing number of girls reached Programme modality Education level Population group Percentage girls Number of girls Number of girls reached in thousands Percentage 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 391 1,687 98 1,546 326 280 446 1,334 32 Children with disabilities Refugees IDPs Secondary Primary Pre-primary MYRP FER 40 50 60 60% 48% 50% 49% 53% 48% 51% 50% 49% Host communities and other crisis-affected populations MYRP FER

Progress Highlights

Number and percentage of girls out of total children and youth reached by ECW since inception

(Cumulative target in 2022: 50%, 4.45 million, with 60% in at least 3 MYRPs)

0.4 Million 49% by 2018 4,338,546 49% by 2022

Percentage of children and youth identified as having a disability and reached with ECW support, out of all children and youth reached since inception

(Cumulative target in 2022: 3.0%)

0.5% by 2018 1.2% by 2022
icon of a teacher teaching students

Beneficiary Outcome 4

Improved Learning and Skills

Only 25 million children, or 10% of the 224 million school-aged children affected by crisis and conflict, are in school and learning. Education quality is the ultimate objective within the ECW results framework, ensuring that the education provided is of the highest standard to support quality learning outcomes.

A student wearing green reading from her notebook

© Save the Children/Emnet Dereje

Investments in the quality of education are going up

The share of MYRP programmatic funding allocated to improve the quality of education and learning levels of children has steadily increased – from 16% in 2019 to 25% in 2022. It’s the largest outcome increase in budget allocation during the period.

Teachers Increased knowledge and capacity

The number of teachers trained in 2022 has grown substantially compared to previous years to 72,600 in 2022, totalling almost 141,000 teachers since ECW inception. 2022 is also the first year that 50% of the teachers trained were female.

Education Material

5.3 million children and adolescents (49% girls), e.g. 60% of all children reached, and 67,300 learning spaces/classrooms were supported with teaching and learning materials between 2018 and 2022.

Measuring Learning Outcomes

ECW promotes a holistic approach to learning, encompassing both academic (literacy and numeracy) and social-emotional learning, and all MYRPs have increased levels of learning as a programme objective. The percentage and number of MYRPs with baseline or increased levels of learning data has grown to 62% of all active MYRPs in 2022.

Progress Highlights

Number of classrooms supported with materials to enhance the learning environment

9,424 by 2018 67,258 by 2022

Number of children (aged 3-18) reached with individual learning materials

726,610 by 2018 5,316,935 (49% girls) by 2022

Number of teachers/ administrators trained

20,047 by 2018 140,539 (49% female) by 2022

Number of ECW-supported learning spaces that have a functioning school-management committee and / or parent-teacher association

management icon


icon of a boy and a girl inside of a building

Beneficiary Outcome 5

Safe and Protective Learning Environment

Creating secure and safe learning environments is crucial to ensuring access to quality education for children and adolescents in settings affected by conflict and protracted crisis. ECW support for safety and protection encompasses (1) violence prevention and assuring the physical safety of learners and teachers; (2) WASH, health and nutrition; and (3) well-being, emotional protection and mental health.

Three students in their classroom wearing white headscarves and smiling


Improved Safety and Protection

Improved levels of safety and protection for children, adolescents and/or teachers were observed in 65% of programmes in 2022, compared to 29% in 2021. The other 35% reported either a baseline or did not have data, which is expected for those programmes that started in 2022. Since inception, the share of MYRP budget allocated to safety and protection is 14%.

Water, Sanitation, Health and Hygiene

In 2022, 22,300 learning spaces met the minimum standard on WASH. Since ECW’s inception, 50,200 learning spaces have met these standards. In 2022, partners built or rehabilitated 7,500 latrines (75% accessible to children with disabilities). 2/3 of the programmes that built or rehabilitated latrines in 2022 reported that they were gender-sensitive (sex-segregated latrines).

Emergency preparedness, disaster risk reduction

In 2022, more than 13,500 teachers and administrators (49% female) were trained in emergency preparedness, disaster risk reduction and risk management.

Improved well-being, mental health, and psychosocial suppoort

By the end of 2022, 16 FERs and all MYRPs had incorporated MHPSS interventions in their programmes, and 49% of programmes provided evidence of improvement – compared to 16% in 2021. Approximately 33,000 teachers (47% female) were trained on MHPSS in 2022 alone and dedicated psychosocial focal points, school counsellors, or social workers were stationed within or close to 3,100 learning spaces since ECW’s inception.

Progress Highlights

Number of ECW-supported learning spaces with increased access to: (i) drinking water; (ii) single-sex basic sanitation facilities; and (iii) basic hand-washing facilities for crisis-affected children and youth

2,225 by 2020 3,700 by 2022

Number of latrines built or rehabilitated since inception

3,725 by 2020 11,604 by 2022

Number of teachers/administrators trained on the importance of WASH

12,693 by 2020 24,032 (40% female) by 2022

Number of teachers/administrators trained in MHPSS

27,786 (52% female) by 2020 66,039 (49% female) by 2022

Percentage of learning spaces supported by ECW that have a dedicated counsellor or a social worker available on site

78% by 2021 62% by 2022

Number of ECW-supported learning spaces where a code of conduct exists, is enforced, and teachers and communities are trained/informed on its application

2,600 by 2020 4,813 by 2022

Number of ECW-supported learning spaces featuring mental health and psychosocial support activities for children

2,786 by 2020 15,244 by 2022

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