Strategic Objectives

A student in a yellow shirt writing on the chalkboard

© JRS Chad/Irene Galera

ECW's Strategic Plan measures performance and progress over time against the Fund's strategic objectives:

  1. icon of people offering money and support

    1. and 2.
    Inspire Political Commitment
    and Financing

  2. paper depicting strategies

    Improve Joint Planning
    and Timely Response

  3. light bulb and pencil icon

    Strengthen Capacity
    to Respond

  4. light bulb and pencil icon

    Improve Data, Evidence
    and Accountability

icon of people offering money and support

Strategic Objective 1 and 2

Inspire Political
Commitment and Financing

Inspiring political support and mobilizing funds for education in emergencies and protracted crises are crucial means of achieving ECW's goal of supporting inclusive, quality education and delivering on SDG4.

Students in school uniforms working in their classroom

© UNICEF/Fock-Kutsch

Gordon Brown headshot

“The achievements outlined in ECW's 2022 Annual Results Report tell a story of a breakout global fund moving with strength, speed and agility, while achieving quality. However, the needs have skyrocketed. We must rise to this challenge by unlocking more financing for education.”

The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown
Chair of the ECW High-Level Steering Group and UN Special Envoy for Global Education

Strengthened Partner Engagement

ECW's High-Level Financing Conference, held in February 2023, brought together over 30 government ministers and high-level delegates and secured pledges of $826 million for education in emergencies and protracted crises (EiEPC) for the new Strategic Plan period (2023–2026), including over $700 million for the ECW Trust Fund. Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States are ECW's largest bilateral donors, and the LEGO Foundation remains ECW's largest private-sector donor. With $1.5 billion mobilized, ECW's Trust Fund is significantly better funded in 2023 than it was at the end of 2021, when it totaled $1.1 billion. An additional $1.2 billion was allocated by donors at country level as new funding for EiEPC programmes, including $842 million (71%) that was strongly aligned with ECW-supported MYRPs.

Education in Emergency Appeals Nearly Tripled

From 2019 to 2022, funding appeals for education in emergencies (EiE) increased from $1.1 billion to $2.95 billion. Within appeals, EiE funding grew by a staggering 86% (from $458 million to $852 million). Yet, only 30% of education requirements were funded in 2022.

Funding of Education Appeals

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 407 521 454 595 839 2.314 2.102 230 305 422 458 557 550 852 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2.954 2.864 1.396 1.053 876 826 637 US$ million 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 36% 37% 48% 44% 40% 19% 30% 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Education funding to appeals Education required appeal funding Share of education compared to appeals percentage

Progress Highlights

Total funding raised by ECW at country and global level (in USD)

$261M 2018 $1.552 B 2022

Total annual funding for education in emergencies as a percentage of global sector-specific humanitarian funding

4.3% 2018 3.9% 2022

Proportion of humanitarian appeals that include an education component

83% 2018 93% 2022
icon of people offering money and support

Strategic Objective 3

Improve Joint Planning
and Timely Response

ECW facilitates joint planning and supports more coherence between humanitarian and development education aid interventions.

A student in a green shirt holding her notebook and smiling

© Windle International Uganda

Expanded Portfolio of Grants

ECW's programme portfolio in 2022 included 85 programmes – 26 MYRPs, 26 FERs and 33 Acceleration Facility programmes – in 30 countries.

ECW Total Funding Allocations Reach $164.8 Million in 2022

ECW allocated $138 million to MYRP grantees in 26 countries, and approved 12 FER programmes in 10 countries, totaling $34 million, in 2022.

A holistic approach to learning

The focus of MYRP investments has shifted from interventions to increase access to and continuity of education, to a 'holistic' approach incorporating activities that prioritize learning, well-being, equity, and safety aspects. This is reflected by an increased budget per child over the period 2018-2022, from $54 to $77 annually for the MYRPs and from $41 to $59 for the duration of the FERs (12 to 18 months).

Two new MYRPs and one Renewed MYRP

New commitments in the amount of $77 million were approved via 11 grants to new MYRPs in Cameroon and Haiti, and a MYRP in the Central African Republic was renewed. The Central African Republic MYRP included a record-breaking $40 million in seed funding.

Distribution of MYRP Budgets

0 20 40 60 80 100 2019–2022 2022 2021 2020 2019 Cumulative Percentage 0 20 40 60 80 100 2019–2022 2022 2021 2020 2019 5 12 2 1 14 4 0 2 8 9 18 15 13 8 14 9 14 20 14 16 19 22 25 20 52 38 29 38 40

Outputs clustered as part of the outcome on equity are often integrated into outcomes on access and continuity, learning, and safety and protection.

Progress Highlights

Number of joint multi-year programmes developed with ECW support

4 2018 26 2022 MYRP

Percentage of FER countries where funds were disbursed up to eight weeks after the humanitarian appeal date

*50% (acute emergencies), 16% (all FERs)

41% 2018 50%* 2022 FER
icon of people offering money and support

Strategic Objective 4

Strengthen Capacity to Respond

Strengthening global education in emergency capacity is one of ECW's core functions and a strategic objective. ECW's three funding windows work jointly and complementarily to strengthen partnerships, capacities and systems at global, national and local levels.

A studnent in her classroomo holding up a piece of paper with Arabic words written on it

© UNICEF/Fricker

More funding to capacity development and systems strengthening

ECW allocated $5.1 million towards capacity strengthening through its Acceleration Facility in 2022. Two Acceleration Facility grants in 2022 were valued at more than $1 million. Since ECW’s inception, MYRPs have allocated 9% of their budgets toward system strengthening.

Strengthened coordination of education responses

The Global Education Cluster (GEC) supported a coordinated response in 27 crises in 2022. The GEC is a major partner of ECW and recipient of an Acceleration Facility grant valued at more than $1 million in 2022. The new Gender Lead Organization (GLO) function, established in 2022 under MYRPs in several countries, contributed to enhanced collaboration among sectors working on gender issues in EiEPC.

Progress Highlights

Percentage of ECW funding allocated to local and national responders as directly as possible in accordance with the Grand Bargain commitment

26% 2019 17% 2022
icon of people offering money and support

Strategic Objective 5

Improve Data, Evidence
and Accountability

ECW aims to strengthen its systems using data and evidence to support advocacy efforts and to help implement improved interventions across the programming cycle.

Boys wearing white shirts in their classroom smiling and posing for the camera

© UNICEF/Mulala

Enhanced evidence of education outcomes

76% of FERs and 69% of MYRPs provided solid evidence of education outcome change, compared to 35% and 50% in 2021. 82% of education outcome data is sex-disaggregated. Initial holistic learning outcome measurements were produced through the Holistic Learning Outcome Measurement Initiative – including on both academic and social-emotional competencies – in Burkina Faso and Iraq.

New public tools to build institutional capacity

In 2022, ECW further advanced the sharing of best practices and contributed to the development of knowledge products, toolkits and case studies on such EiE topics as gender, disability inclusion, teacher mental health and well-being, rapid response, innovations, data, monitoring and evaluation. Key products were disseminated with partners as global public goods.

Organizational learning

The organizational evaluation of ECWs first strategic plan period (2018-2022) was conducted, with its recommendations informing ECW's new Strategic Plan 2023–2026. A learning agenda has been developed for the new Strategic Plan, with a focus on gaining a better understanding of what works in six priority areas: learning and education participation, EiEPC coordination, localization, gender-transformative programming, resource mobilization and EiEPC data and evidence.

A girl in her classroom with her classmates. She is writing in a notebook with a pen.

© UNICEF/Dicko

Progress Highlights

Percentage of ECW-supported programmes measuring affected communities' access to education

67% 2018 100% 2022

Percentage of ECW-supported programmes measuring survival, transition or completion for crisis-affected children and youth

33% 2018 63% 2022

Percentage of ECW-supported MYRPs having quality data on learning outcomes (including SEL)

85% 2019 87% 2022

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