Global Consultation Launched
On 9-10 November, Education Cannot Wait hosted the first design workshop on the fund’s operational model and results framework. Over 40 stakeholders, including donor governments, civil society groups, UN agencies and the private sector, gathered in New York to discuss critical design decisions for the development of 2 key products-
1. Operational framework and manuals – defining the grant management model for ECW’s funding windows.
2. Results framework and management package– developing a full results, monitoring and evaluation framework.
Today, the fund is extending this opportunity to provide feedback and input through the launch of an online global consultation. Questions are concentrated on the timeframe for disbursing funds, the types of support required by stakeholders, and measures of progress. The consultation process is outlined in more detail in this overview.
Partners can access the Government Input Form and Civil Society Input Form, where they will be presented with 4 key questions.
The forms have also been translated into French, Spanish and Arabic.
The closing date for submissions is the 2nd December 2016.
This input will be synthesized and shared with the fund’s senior officials and task team members. Ultimately, it will inform the final design of the operational model and framework and the fund welcomes your valuable input.