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The Africa

A Brave New World: International Day Of Women And Girls In Science Statement By Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Today, we also recognize the power and potential of an entire generation of future scientists. Brave leaders such as ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi , who led the Afghan Girls Robotics Team in Kabul and built a ventilator out of car parts.

Together with ECW and our strategic partners, strong visionaries like them inspire our global charge to ensure girls have access to STEM education from an early age, and women can break through the glass ceiling to find their rightful place in universities, labs and research facilities across the globe.

Bastille Post Global

A Brave New World: International Day of Women and Girls in Science Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Today, we also recognize the power and potential of an entire generation of future scientists. Brave leaders such as ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi, who led the Afghan Girls' Robotics Team in Kabul and built a ventilator out of car parts.

Together with ECW and our strategic partners, strong visionaries like them inspire our global charge to ensure girls have access to STEM education from an early age, and women can break through the glass ceiling to find their rightful place in universities, labs and research facilities across the globe.

It is possible to change all that. In Chad, through ECW investments delivered by UNICEF and partners, Khadidja is learning about science, math and mechanics in a classroom designed to provide non-formal education to children that have been impacted by the various crises facing the nation. Nadejda, a Ukrainian refugee in Moldova, is building up her digital skills and even learning to develop a website thanks to support at an ECW-funded EDUTech lab in her new school.


A Brave New World: International Day of Women and Girls in Science Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Today, we also recognize the power and potential of an entire generation of future scientists. Brave leaders such as ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi, who led the Afghan Girls' Robotics Team in Kabul and built a ventilator out of car parts.

Together with ECW and our strategic partners, strong visionaries like them inspire our global charge to ensure girls have access to STEM education from an early age, and women can break through the glass ceiling to find their rightful place in universities, labs and research facilities across the globe.

It is possible to change all that. In Chad, through ECW investments delivered by UNICEF and partners, Khadidja is learning about science, math and mechanics in a classroom designed to provide non-formal education to children that have been impacted by the various crises facing the nation. Nadejda, a Ukrainian refugee in Moldova, is building up her digital skills and even learning to develop a website thanks to support at an ECW-funded EDUTech lab in her new school.

Mali News

Not an Option. A Call for Action

Over the past three years, the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children in need of urgent quality education support has grown by an alarming 35 million, according to Education Cannot Wait’s new Global Estimates Report. The recently published report offers a stark and brutal alert.

Pharmaceutical Technology Online

The 10th Anniversary of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science

Yasmine Sherif, executive director of Education Cannot Wait, released a statement on Feb. 11, 2025, saying, “The future of the human race hangs in the balance. With science and technology far outpacing the capacity of most humans to keep up, we must arm our future scientists and future leaders with the knowledge, skills and critical thinking abilities they need to survive and thrive in the brave new world of the 21st century. To achieve these goals, we must empower an entire generation of girls in crises to receive the education, training and resources they need to improve their knowledge and skills base in [STEM]”. Sherif specifically pointed out the women and girls living in areas of conflict.

Lebanese Business Headlines

Gender Inequality in Science Limits Progress Towards Solving Complex Global Challenges

“The future of the human race hangs in the balance. With science and technology far outpacing the capacity of most humans to keep up, we must arm our future scientists and future leaders with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities they need to survive and thrive in the brave new world of the 21st century,” says Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif.

“Today, we also recognize the power and potential of an entire generation of future scientists. Brave leaders such as ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi, who led the Afghan Girls Robotics Team in Kabul and built a ventilator out of car parts. Together with ECW and our strategic partners, strong visionaries like them inspire our global charge to ensure girls have access to STEM education from an early age, and women can break through the glass ceiling to find their rightful place in universities, labs, and research facilities across the globe.”

For instance, in Chad, through ECW investments delivered by UNICEF and partners, Khadidja is learning about science, math, and mechanics in a classroom designed to provide non-formal education to children that have been impacted by the various crises facing the nation.

On another continent, “Nadejda, a Ukrainian refugee in Moldova, is building up her digital skills and even learning to develop a website thanks to support at an ECW-funded EDUTech lab in her new school.

Meanwhile, Faruqi uses her platform as an ECW global champion to amplify the voices of those left behind through the #AfghanGirlsVoices Campaign.

Sudan Newstime

Not an Option. A Call for Action

Over the past three years, the number of crisis-impacted school-aged children in need of urgent quality education support has grown by an alarming 35 million, according to Education Cannot Wait’s new Global Estimates Report.

Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and all our partners – be it strategic donors, the private sector, ministries of education, UN agencies, civil society and local communities – have proven again and again that it is indeed possible to make a difference and a bold impact.

ECW is calling for a tiny part of that figure to make a major impact.

In January, ECW and our close strategic partner the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) issued a Complementarity Note that underscores the value-addition of our individual organizations and charts a path toward increased results, impact, coordination and collaboration.

In this month’s high-level interview, we discuss the connection between education and climate change with ECW’s Climate Champion Adenike Oladosu. Funding climate change demands funding education, too. We cannot afford to separate the two.


Usawa wa kijinsia katika Sayansi hupunguza maendeleo katika kutatua changamoto ngumu za ulimwengu – maswala ya ulimwengu

Yasmine Sherif, Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa Elimu Hauwezi Kusubiri (ECW), anaingiliana na watoto wa wakimbizi wa Sudan huko Misri. Sherif alitoa wito kwa jamii ya kimataifa kuwawezesha wasichana katika machafuko kupata elimu, mafunzo, na rasilimali wanazohitaji kuboresha msingi wao na ujuzi katika sayansi, teknolojia, uhandisi, na hesabu (STEM). 

“Baadaye ya wanadamu hutegemea usawa. Pamoja na sayansi na teknolojia mbali na uwezo wa wanadamu wengi kuendelea, lazima tuwapatie wanasayansi wetu wa baadaye na viongozi wa siku zijazo na maarifa, ustadi, na uwezo mkubwa wa kufikiria wanahitaji kuishi na kustawi katika ulimwengu mpya wa karne ya 21, “Anasema elimu haiwezi kusubiri (ECW) Mkurugenzi Mtendaji Yasmine Sherif.

“Leo, tunatambua pia nguvu na uwezo wa kizazi kizima cha wanasayansi wa baadaye. Viongozi wenye ujasiri kama vile ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqiambaye aliongoza timu ya Roboti ya Wasichana ya Afghanistan huko Kabul na akaunda kiingilio nje ya sehemu za gari. Pamoja na ECW na washirika wetu wa kimkakati, waonaji wenye nguvu kama wao wanahamasisha malipo yetu ya ulimwengu kuhakikisha wasichana wanapata elimu ya STEM kutoka umri mdogo, na wanawake wanaweza kuvunja dari ya glasi kupata nafasi yao sahihi katika vyuo vikuu, maabara, na vifaa vya utafiti kote ulimwenguni. “

Kampeni ya #afghangirlsvoices ni kampeni ya kulazimisha na ya kubuniwa iliyoundwa kwa kushirikiana na ECW Global Champion, Somaya Faruqi.

Kwa mfano, ndani Chadkupitia uwekezaji wa ECW uliotolewa na UNICEF na washirika, Khadidja anajifunza juu ya sayansi, hesabu, na mechanics darasani iliyoundwa kutoa elimu isiyo rasmi kwa watoto ambao wameathiriwa na machafuko anuwai yanayowakabili taifa.

Kwenye bara lingine “Nadejdamkimbizi wa Kiukreni huko Moldova, anaunda ustadi wake wa dijiti na hata anajifunza kukuza shukrani ya wavuti kwa msaada katika maabara ya Edutech inayofadhiliwa na ECW katika shule yake mpya.

Wakati huo huo, Faruqi hutumia jukwaa lake kama bingwa wa ECW Global kukuza sauti za wale waliobaki kupitia #Afghangirlsvoices Kampeni.

Inter Press Service

Gender Inequality in Science Limits Progress Towards Solving Complex Global Challenges

“The future of the human race hangs in the balance. With science and technology far outpacing the capacity of most humans to keep up, we must arm our future scientists and future leaders with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities they need to survive and thrive in the brave new world of the 21st century,” says Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif.

“Today, we also recognize the power and potential of an entire generation of future scientists. Brave leaders such as ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi, who led the Afghan Girls Robotics Team in Kabul and built a ventilator out of car parts. Together with ECW and our strategic partners, strong visionaries like them inspire our global charge to ensure girls have access to STEM education from an early age, and women can break through the glass ceiling to find their rightful place in universities, labs, and research facilities across the globe.”

For instance, in Chad, through ECW investments delivered by UNICEF and partners, Khadidja is learning about science, math, and mechanics in a classroom designed to provide non-formal education to children that have been impacted by the various crises facing the nation.

On another continent, “Nadejda, a Ukrainian refugee in Moldova, is building up her digital skills and even learning to develop a website thanks to support at an ECW-funded EDUTech lab in her new school.

Meanwhile, Faruqi uses her platform as an ECW global champion to amplify the voices of those left behind through the #AfghanGirlsVoices Campaign.

UN News

An Afghan dreamer: From robotics champion to advocate for girls’ education

Somaya Faruqi, former captain of the Afghan Girls Robotics Team – known as the Afghan Dreamers – and now an Education Cannot Wait Global Champion, gained international recognition for her engineering achievements before being forced to flee her homeland when the Taliban took power in 2021.

Canadian Insider

A Brave New World: International Day of Women and Girls in Science Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

Today, we also recognize the power and potential of an entire generation of future scientists. Brave leaders such as ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi, who led the Afghan Girls' Robotics Team in Kabul and built a ventilator out of car parts.

Together with ECW and our strategic partners, strong visionaries like them inspire our global charge to ensure girls have access to STEM education from an early age, and women can break through the glass ceiling to find their rightful place in universities, labs and research facilities across the globe.

It is possible to change all that. In Chad, through ECW investments delivered by UNICEF and partners, Khadidja is learning about science, math and mechanics in a classroom designed to provide non-formal education to children that have been impacted by the various crises facing the nation. Nadejda, a Ukrainian refugee in Moldova, is building up her digital skills and even learning to develop a website thanks to support at an ECW-funded EDUTech lab in her new school.


UN at Your Doorstep: Quality education takes the limelight at the Learning Planet Festival

The session included presentations by Yasmine Sherif, the Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, a global fund for education in emergencies, and Aya Mouallem, the Founder of All Girls Code, a program that empowers young girls in high schools and higher education to learn the foundational skills of coding for various jobs.