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Börse Social Network

Schnelle Reaktion im Libanon: Education Cannot Wait (Bildung kann nicht warten) und strategische Partner bewilligen zusätzliche 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar für die Erste Nothilfe im Libanon; die gesamte ECW-Finanzierung im Libanon überstei

Angesichts der Eskalation des Konflikts sind 1,2 Millionen Menschen auf der Flucht und Kinder sind großen Gefahren ausgesetzt. Die erweiterte Erste Nothilfe von ECW, die von UNICEF bereitgestellt wird, wird eine qualitativ hochwertige, ganzheitliche Bildung in Hochrisikogebieten unterstützen und 20.330 Kinder erreichen.

Als Reaktion auf die eskalierende Krise im Libanon kündigten Education Cannot Wait und seine strategischen Partner heute zusätzliche Mittel in Höhe von 1,5 Millionen US-Dollar an, um den inklusiven und sicheren Zugang zu hochwertiger Bildung für die vom Konflikt betroffenen Mädchen und Jungen zu unterstützen.

Die Aufstockung des Zuschusses für Erste Nothilfe für den Bildungssektor im Libanon wird von bereitgestellt ECW und seine strategischen Partner arbeiten daran, ihre Maßnahmen im Bildungsbereich auf den eskalierenden Konflikt auszuweiten, durch den bereits etwa 1,2 Millionen Menschen vertrieben wurden. Dank der 25,8 Millionen US-Dollar, die ECW im investiert hat, konnten bereits 1,2 Millionen Kinder eine hochwertige, ganzheitliche Bildung erhalten.

"Einmal mehr leidet der Libanon. Der derzeitige Konflikt hat das libanesische Bildungssystem stark belastet, sodass zahlreiche Kinder Gefahr laufen, zurückzufallen oder die Schule ganz abzubrechen. Kinder sterben, Familien verlieren ihre Häuser und wertvolle Schulinfrastruktur wird beschädigt. Mädchen und Jungen haben ein Recht auf die Sicherheit, den Schutz und die Hoffnung, die nur eine hochwertige Bildung bieten kann", sagte Yasmine Sherif, Geschäftsführerin von Education Cannot Wait (Bildung kann nicht warten), dem globalen Fonds für Bildung in Notsituationen und Langzeitkrisen der Vereinten Nationen. "Wir müssen unsere Anstrengungen verstärken und kein Kind und keine Lehrkraft im Libanon zurücklassen."

Le Lézard

Réponse rapide au Liban : Éducation sans délai et les partenaires stratégiques approuvent une première intervention d'urgence supplémentaire de 1,5 million de dollars au Liban. Le financement total du ECW au Liban dépasse les 25,8 millions de dollars.

Avec l'escalade du conflit, 1,2 million de personnes sont déplacées et les enfants sont confrontés à de graves risques. L'extension de la réponse de première urgence de l'ECW fournie par l'UNICEF soutiendra une éducation holistique de qualité dans les zones à haut risque, touchant 20 330 enfants.

En réponse à l'escalade de la crise au Liban, Éducation sans délai (ECW) et ses partenaires stratégiques ont annoncé aujourd'hui un financement supplémentaire de 1,5 million de dollars US pour soutenir l'accès inclusif et sûr à une éducation de qualité pour les filles et les garçons touchés par le conflit.  

L'extension du coût de la première subvention d'intervention d'urgence au secteur de l'éducation au Liban sera fournie par l'UNICEF alors que ECW et ses partenaires stratégiques s'efforcent d'étendre leur réponse en matière d'éducation à l'escalade du conflit, qui a déjà déplacé environ 1,2 million de personnes. Le portefeuille d'investissements de l'ECW au Liban, d'une valeur de 25,8 millions de dollars, a déjà permis à 1,2 million d'enfants de bénéficier d'une éducation holistique de qualité.

« Une fois de plus, le Liban souffre. Le conflit actuel a mis à rude épreuve le système éducatif libanais, d'innombrables enfants risquant de prendre du retard ou d'abandonner complètement l'école. Des enfants meurent, des familles perdent leur maison et de précieuses infrastructures scolaires sont endommagées. Les filles et les garçons ont droit à la sécurité, à la protection et à l'espoir que seule une éducation de qualité peut leur apporter », a déclaré Yasmine Sherif, Directrice d'Éducation sans délai, le fonds mondial pour l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence et les crises prolongées au sein des Nations unies. « Nous devons redoubler d'efforts et ne laisser aucun enfant ni aucun enseignant, à la traîne au Liban.

L'extension des coûts pour soutenir la stratégie du secteur de l'éducation aidera à maintenir un soutien essentiel, permettant aux enfants de retourner à l'école pour l'année scolaire à venir. Grâce à ce financement élargi, la réponse de première urgence atteindra désormais 20 330 enfants et jeunes déplacés, ce qui représente une augmentation significative par rapport aux 7 530 enfants ciblés à l'origine par la subvention ECW de 2,2 millions de dollars annoncée en mars dernier.

Europa Press

Respuesta en el Líbano: Education Cannot Wait y los socios estratégicos aprueban 1,5 millones de dólares

Respuesta rápida en el Líbano: Education Cannot Wait y los socios estratégicos aprueban 1,5 millones de dólares adicionales para la primera respuesta de emergencia en el Líbano; la financiación total de ECW en el Líbano supera los 25,8 millones de dólares

En respuesta a la escalada de la crisis en el Líbano, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) y sus socios estratégicos han anunciado hoy una financiación adicional de 1,5 millones de dólares para apoyar el acceso inclusivo y seguro a una educación de calidad para las niñas y los niños afectados por el conflicto.

La primera ampliación del coste de la Subvención de Respuesta de Emergencia para el sector de la educación en el Líbano correrá a cargo de UNICEF mientras la ECW y sus socios estratégicos trabajan para ampliar su respuesta educativa a la escalada del conflicto, que ya ha desplazado a aproximadamente 1,2 millones de personas. La cartera de inversiones de 25,8 millones de dólares de ECW en el Líbano ya ha proporcionado a 1,2 millones de niños una educación holística de calidad.

"Una vez más, el Líbano sufre. El conflicto actual ha sometido al sistema educativo libanés a una inmensa presión, y son innumerables los niños que corren el riesgo de quedarse rezagados o abandonar por completo la escuela. Hay niños que mueren, familias que pierden sus hogares y valiosas infraestructuras escolares que resultan dañadas. Las niñas y los niños tienen derecho a la seguridad, la protección y la esperanza que sólo una educación de calidad puede proporcionar", declaró Yasmine Sherif, directora ejecutiva de Education Cannot Wait, el fondo mundial para la educación en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas de las Naciones Unidas. "Debemos redoblar nuestros esfuerzos y no dejar a ningún niño, ni maestro, atrás en el Líbano".

La ampliación de los costes en apoyo de la estrategia del sector educativo contribuirá a mantener un apoyo crítico que permitirá a los niños volver a la escuela el próximo curso académico. Con la ampliación de la financiación, la Primera Respuesta de Emergencia llegará ahora a 20.330 niños y jóvenes desplazados, lo que supone un aumento significativo con respecto a los 7.530 niños a los que se dirigía originalmente la subvención de ECW de 2,2 millones de dólares anunciada este mes de marzo.

PR Newswire

Education Cannot Wait Announces US$20 Million Multi-Year Resilience Programme Catalytic Grant in Syria, Total ECW Funding Tops US$77 Million

The grant, implemented by a consortium led by Save the Children, targets 80,000 children and builds on ECW's ongoing support in Syria which has already reached 610,000 girls and boys.

To provide children and adolescents impacted by these vast and interconnected challenges with the safety and opportunity of a quality education, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, announced today a significant new US$20 million Multi-Year Resilience Programme grant to scale-up investments in Syria, crowd-in resources from partners including the Global Partnership for Education, and deliver on the promise of education for all.

The grant builds on ECW's US$57 million in investments in Syria to date, which have already reached over 610,000 children with quality, holistic education supports, built and rehabilitated approximately 2,600 classrooms, and reached more than 900,000 children through dedicated COVID-19 investments. The grant will be delivered by Save the Children in coordination with local and international partners. Fully funded, the grant will reach 80,000 children and adolescents with quality, holistic education.

"The children and adolescents of Syria have suffered a disruption of their education amidst destruction for far too long. By scaling up our investments in Syria along with our strategic global partners, we continue to our goal of reaching an entire generation that has been pushed to the shadows by the tides of war and oppression. Bearing in mind that Syria once had universal education, this is our investment in the young people and their teachers, rebuilding their country," said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait.

"If we do not provide children the chance of a quality education, we deny them life chances again and again as they grow up. Too many children in Syria today are out of school or learning in damaged, dilapidated or overcrowded school buildings, without access to the bare minimum of resources. We are delighted to be working with Education Cannot Wait and with partners across Syria to ensure that more children can achieve their full potential in life. School is an essential component in nurturing that potential," said Rasha Muhrez, Syria Response Director for Save the Children.

Modern Diplomacy

Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds and Human Rights

The global food crisis is even more pronounced on the frontlines of armed conflicts, forced displacement, climate change and other protracted crises. According to the World Food Programme, nearly 60% of the world’s hungriest people live in just a few countries: Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Yemen, Nigeria, Syria, Sudan, South Sudan, Pakistan and Haiti (as listed from most to least severe). Nowhere is this more severe than in Gaza. Analysis by the IPC Partnership found that around 96% of the population in Gaza face high levels of acute food insecurity. These are all the very same countries where Education Cannot Wait and our strategic partners are delivering life-saving quality, holistic education programmes that include school feeding programmes.

To deliver on this essential human right, ECW is working with partners such as WFP, UNICEF and Save the Children to provide nutritious school meals, access to safe drinking water and sanitation that keep children healthy. In 2023, ECW and our strategic partners provided over 335,000 learners with school feeding, according to our latest Annual Results Report. In places like Cameroon and Haiti, local procurement from smallholder farmers provides home-grown meals that prop up local communities while also ensuring nutritious meals for hungry children.

AP News

Rapid Response in Lebanon: Education Cannot Wait and Strategic Partners Approve Additional US$1.5 Million First Emergency Response in Lebanon, Total ECW Funding in Lebanon Tops US$25.8 Million

The cost extension in support of the education sector strategy will help to sustain critical support, enabling children to return to school for the upcoming academic year. With the expanded funding the First Emergency Response will now reach 20,330 displaced children and youth, a significant increase from the original 7,530 children targeted through the US$2.2 million ECW grant announced this March.

The fast-acting response focuses on providing inclusive and safe access to education for displaced children. The programme will identify hub schools to expand their operational capacity to absorb incoming students. It also focuses on delivering quality learning outcomes in protective and inclusive learning environments, with targeted trainings and interventions for girls and children with disabilities. In building back better, the investment also focuses on the resilience and recovery of the education system.

Yahoo Finance

Rapid Response in Lebanon: Education Cannot Wait and Strategic Partners Approve Additional US$1.5 Million First Emergency Response in Lebanon, Total ECW Funding in Lebanon Tops US$25.8 Million

In response to the escalating crisis in Lebanon, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and its strategic partners announced today US$1.5 million in additional funding to support inclusive and safe access to quality education for girls and boys impacted by the conflict.

"Once more, Lebanon suffers. The current conflict has placed immense strain on Lebanon's education system, with countless children at risk of falling behind or dropping out of school altogether. Children are dying, families are losing their homes, and valuable school infrastructure is being damaged. Girls and boys are entitled to the safety, protection and hope that only a quality education can provide," said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations. "We must step up our efforts and leave no child, nor teacher, behind in Lebanon."

BBC News Arabic

"كانت لنا بيوت ومدارس"

أرباع المليون، الكثير منهم وصلوا حديثا فرارا من الصراع في السودان أو بسبب الحرب غزة، دعا صندوق "التعليم لا ينتظر" ومفوضية شؤون اللاجئين واليونيسف إلى زيادة الدعم الدولي العاجل للأطفال الذين أجبروا على النزوح بسبب الصراع المسلح، سواء داخل السودان أو في الدول المجاورة.

Independent Nigeria

Yobe State Govt, Street Child Train 650 Adolescent Girls On Skills Acquisition

Yobe state government, in partnership with Street Child and Yobe Peace Community Development Initiative, has trained 650 Out-Of-School Adolescent Girls under its funded program Education Cannot Wait.

This project is funded by Education cannot wait in consortium with other partners to support education outcomes through empowerment livelihood. This project looks at the empowerment of the most vulnerable adolescent girls within the targeted communities of implementation.

The Guardian

Today, our hearts are breaking for the children of Gaza. Tomorrow, we must give them peace

Funding will be an issue. Education as a whole is never prioritised in humanitarian appeals; the $3.42bn flash appeal has been launched primarily for food, health and shelter, for example. Only 3.5% of these funds have been allocated to education. In fact, in the absence of bilateral support, Education Cannot Wait, a charity I chair that helps displaced and refugee children get an education, has had to become the third largest donor. Yet surely there is enough worldwide concern for the children of this conflict that a compassionate coalition of interests could raise the necessary cash.


One-Year Anniversary Statement On The Hostilities In Gaza By Education Cannot Wait Director Yasmine Sherif

Today, with resolve and determination we call on world leaders to join us in providing access to life-saving quality education for the innocent girls and boys impacted by the carnage ripping the region apart. Education is our single best investment in opening the hearts and minds to prevent further destruction and foster peacebuilding and respect for international law.

According to UNICEF, the Gaza Strip is the most dangerous place in the world to be a child today, where thousands of innocent children have been killed, thousands more horrifically injured, and an untold number buried beneath rubble. This attack on children is unconscionable.

Europa Press

Declaración de Yasmine Sherif, directora de Education Cannot Wait

Hoy, con el corazón roto, conmemoramos elprimer aniversario desde la implosión de
Gaza el 7 de octubre de 2023. Hoy honramos a los rehenes,a los detenidos arbitrariamente y a los más de 40.000 civiles inocentes que, según los informes, hanmuerto en esta brutal carnicería, así como a los innumerables discapacitados y a todos los que hanquedado traumatizados de por vida.

Nos unimos al secretario general de las Naciones Unidas, António Guterres, para pedir un alto elfuego inmediato en Gaza, Líbano y más allá. Oriente Medio se ha convertido en un campo de batalladonde se han destruido miles de años de cultura y han muerto millones de personas. Que haya paz yjusticia, seguridad humana y seguridad nacional para todos los pueblos de Oriente Medio