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Chester County Press

No Peace Until Peace For All

NEW YORK, Jun 14 2023 (IPS) – As we head into June, we will commemorate a number of important international days that call for much-needed support to protect refugees, end child labour, stop sexual violence in conflict and ensure human rights for the innocent children victims of aggression.


UK Ambassador Gives Speech at King’s Birthday Party in Tripoli Embassy

The UK provided £12 million for Libya through the Education Cannot Wait programme, working with UNICEF, to support children impacted by conflict and instability to access basic education. 

Press Peru

World Vision lanza iniciativa enfocada en promover acciones de cuidado al medio ambiente en el país

La ONG Internacional World Vision, lanzó la iniciativa de la Cuenca Amazónica, una propuesta programática y de incidencia centrada en los niños y las niñas para asegurar la resiliencia al cambio climático y contribuir a medios de vida sostenibles para la niñez y sus familias, en una de las regiones del mundo más ricas ambientalmente, pero socialmente desigual.

Con esta iniciativa, World Vision busca brindar espacios de protección y crecimiento a 10 millones de niñas y niños en los próximos 7 años, en 6 países que comparten el río Amazonas y sus afluentes: Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela. Para Colombia, esta iniciativa está enfocada principalmente en los municipios de Leticia y Puerto Nariño, Amazonas.


El acceso a entornos de aprendizaje de calidad pondrá fin al trabajo infantil

En todo el mundo, 160 millones de niños ejercen trabajo infantil. Sin acceso a oportunidades educativas seguras y de calidad, sus sueños de un futuro mejor se reducen. Mientras conmemoramos el Día Mundial contra el Trabajo Infantil, debemos seguir apoyando su protección contra el abuso y la violación infantil, así como el derecho a 12 años de educación de calidad, para todas las niñas y niños del planeta.

NBC 4 News

ECW Executive Director Yasmine Sherif Statement on World Day Against Child Labour

Worldwide, 160 million children are engaged in child labour. Without access to safe, quality educational opportunities, their dreams of a better future have been cut short. As we commemorate the World Day Against Child Labour, we must continue to support their protection from child abuse and violations – and the right to 12 years of quality education – for every girl and boy on the planet.


Access to Quality Learning Environments Will End Child Labour

Worldwide, 160 million children are engaged in child labour. Without access to safe, quality educational opportunities, their dreams of a better future have been cut short. As we commemorate the World Day Against Child Labour, we must continue to support their protection from child abuse and violations – and the right to 12 years of quality education – for every girl and boy on the planet.


Access to Quality Learning Environments Will End Child Labour

Worldwide, 160 million children are engaged in child labour. Without access to safe, quality educational opportunities, their dreams of a better future have been cut short. As we commemorate the World Day Against Child Labour, we must continue to support their protection from child abuse and violations – and the right to 12 years of quality education – for every girl and boy on the planet.

Fox 8 News

Access to Quality Learning Environments Will End Child Labour

Worldwide, 160 million children are engaged in child labour. Without access to safe, quality educational opportunities, their dreams of a better future have been cut short. As we commemorate the World Day Against Child Labour, we must continue to support their protection from child abuse and violations – and the right to 12 years of quality education – for every girl and boy on the planet.

L’Union Européenne octroie 18 millions d’euros au Gouvernement pour l’éducation.

Joint par téléphone depuis Bruxelles, le ministre Manigat s’est dit soulagé que les discussions entamées depuis plus d’une année aient pu aboutir, car la conjoncture laissait planer des doutes sur l’aboutissement de ce financement. « J’ai eu l’opportunité de participer à un panel avec Jutta Urpilainen, commissaire européenne pour les partenariats internationaux et son équipe et continué à plaider auprès de nos partenaires européens que l’avenir et la stabilité d’Haïti passent par l’éducation des enfants, adolescents et des jeunes, en particulier par la formation technico-professionnelle».

News RND

In Syria 2.4 million children out of school, 40% girls

After almost 12 years of crisis, more than 2.4 million children are out of school in Syria. Of these, 40% are girls, the most vulnerable category. One in 5 children of school age does not attend any type of educational activity, and almost 3 million of them live in rural areas. One of the main factors hindering the return to school is, in fact, the lack of school buildings, destroyed by the years of war. Structures put to the test by the ongoing conflict and, recently, also by the earthquake that struck the north of the country last February.


In Siria 2,4 milioni minori senza scuola, 40% sono bambine

Dopo quasi 12 anni di crisi, in Siria oltre 2,4 milioni di minori sono fuori dal sistema scolastico.
Di questi il 40% è rappresentato da bambine, la categoria più vulnerabile. In generale quasi un minore su 5 in età scolastica non frequenta alcun tipo di attività formativa, e quasi 3 milioni di loro vive in aree rurali.

BBC Afrique

BBC Afrique Interview With Graham Lang, ECW Deputy Director, Following the Release of Education Cannot Wait's New Global Estimates Study

Armed conflicts, forced displacement, climate change and other crises increased the number of crisis-impacted children in need of urgent quality education to 224 million, according to a new Global Estimates Study issued today by Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies.