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La campaña #AfghanGirlsVoices de Education Cannot Wait pone de relieve testimonios reales

Personas de todo el mundo conmemoran hoy un trágico hito para los derechos humanos, los derechos de la infancia y los derechos de las niñas: 1.000 días desde que se prohibió a las niñas asistir a la escuela secundaria en Afganistán. Para conmemorar y reflexionar sobre este hito inaceptable, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), como fondo mundial para la educación en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas en el marco de las Naciones Unidas, lanza la segunda fase de su convincente campaña #AfghanGirlsVoices.

PR Newswire

Kampaň #AfghanGirlsVoices fondu Education Cannot Wait prináša skutočné svedectvá nádeje, odvahy a odolnosti afganských dievčat, ktorým bolo odopreté právo na vzdelanie

Ľudia na celom si dnes pripomínajú tragický míľnik pre ľudské práva, práva detí a práva dievčat: tisíc dní odkedy dievčatá v Afganistane dostali zákaz navštevovať stredné školy. Ako pripomienku k zamysleniu sa nad týmto neprijateľným míľnikom spúšťa Education Cannot Wait (ECW), ako globálny fond pre vzdelávanie v núdzových situáciách a dlhotrvajúcich krízach v rámci Organizácie Spojených národov, druhú fázu svojej naliehavej kampane #AfghanGirlsVoices.

AP News

Education Cannot Wait’s #AfghanGirlsVoices Campaign Highlights Real-Life Testimonies of Hope, Courage and Resilience by Afghan Girls Denied Their Right to Education

Today, people across the globe mark a tragic milestone for human rights, children’s rights and girls’ rights: 1,000 days since girls were banned from attending secondary school in Afghanistan. To commemorate and reflect on this unacceptable milestone, Education Cannot Wait ( ECW ), as global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, is launching the second phase of its compelling #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign.

Plan International

Children learn through play in Uganda

The first ever Day of Play has been held in Uganda, showcasing one of the most transformative forces in a child’s life.

The celebration was organised by the Ugandan Government with support from UNICEF, The LEGO Foundation, Education Cannot Wait and Plan International. The day couldn’t have happened without our partnerships with civil society organisations who are working alongside us to support and promote learning through play.

IPS - Inter Press Service

1,000 Days—Afghan Girls’ Voices Campaign Enters Second Phase

“As a global community, we must reignite our global efforts to ensure that every adolescent girl can exercise her right to an education. Gender discrimination is unacceptable and will only hurt the already war-torn Afghanistan and her long-suffering people. Girls’ right to an education is a fundamental right as outlined in international human rights law,” said Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Executive Director Yasmine Sherif.

IPS - Inter Press Service

Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light

The inequality gap is widening, with more than two-thirds (69%) of global wealth held by developed nations, while less than a third can be found in the developing world

And while millions of young people in the Global North celebrate graduations this month at high schools, colleges and universities, a quarter of a billion children and adolescents across crisis-impacted countries in the Global South are not even able to access early childhood development and the basic 12 years of education.

Yasmine Sherif is Executive Director Education Cannot Wait (ECW)

Africa Daily News

Multi-Year Resilience Programme: Yobe Communities Benefits From Dignity Kits Distribution

According to the communication officer of Street Child, Abdulrazaz Yakubu, the initiative is part of the Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP), funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and implemented by Street Child as the lead partner. 

Yakubu explained that the project is sub-granted to YOPCODI to be executed in Damaturu and Potiskum Local Government Areas of Yobe state.

Giornale L'ora

G7: Save the Chil­dren, agi­re ora per la di­fe­sa dei di­rit­ti dei bam­bi­ni

In par­ti­co­la­re, i Pae­si del G7 do­vreb­be­ro agi­re per as­si­cu­ra­re il di­rit­to al­l’e­du­ca­zio­ne e af­fron­ta­re la cri­si edu­ca­ti­va, con­tri­buen­do a col­ma­re ur­gen­te­men­te il gap di fi­nan­zia­men­ti per l’e­du­ca­zio­ne a li­vel­lo glo­ba­le: i fon­di mul­ti­la­te­ra­li come la Glo­bal Part­ner­ship for Edu­ca­tion e Edu­ca­tion Can­not Wait de­vo­no es­se­re pie­na­men­te fi­nan­zia­ti, ma oc­cor­re an­che as­si­cu­ra­re fi­nan­zia­men­ti ag­giun­ti­vi. Inol­tre, è ne­ces­sa­rio coo­pe­ra­re con i pae­si part­ner in Afri­ca per co­strui­re si­ste­mi edu­ca­ti­vi di qua­li­tà, in­clu­si­vi e re­si­lien­ti e man­te­ne­re gli im­pe­gni pre­si nei pre­ce­den­ti sum­mit per ga­ran­ti­re l’ac­ces­so alle bam­bi­ne e alle ra­gaz­ze a un’e­du­ca­zio­ne di qua­li­tà.

The Spectacles

Multi-Year Resilience Programme: Yobe Communities Benefits From Dignity Kits Distribution

Communities of Dikumari, Nasarawa, Pompomari, Tsamiya Tara and Nayinawa Area II in Yobe state have benefitted from the distribution of dignity kits.

According to the communication officer of Street Child, Abdulrazaz Yakubu, the initiative is part of the Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP), funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and implemented by Street Child as the lead partner.

Relief Web

UNICEF Central African Republic Humanitarian Situation Report No. 2: March-April 2024

In the HAC 2024, UNICEF requested US$ 66.7 million to address the humanitarian needs of children and women in the Central African Republic (CAR). As of April 2024, approximately US$ 7.6 million (11% of the appeal) has been received, thanks to contributions from the Governments of Japan, Korea, Sweden, the UK (FCDO), EU/ECHO, and UNICEF National Committees in Germany and Spain. Additionally, US$ 18.5 million (28% of the appeal) was carried forward from the previous year, enabling a seamless humanitarian response, with support from the Governments of Canada, Norway, USA (USAID, BHA, State Department), the European Union, Gavi, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), and UNICEF National Committees in France and Spain.


A Starting Point of Ongoing Dialogues towards a Common Vision and Shared Strategy on Education for Rohingya and Host Community Children

Withing the framework of the ECW Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP II), UNESCO, UNHCR, UNICEF, Plan International, Save the Children and World Vision organized the Forum on Education for Rohingya and Host Community Children on 29 May 2024 in Cox’s Bazar, with the support of the Office of the Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner (RRRC) and the Education Sector of Cox’s Bazar.


Maximizing the Impact: The Role of Effective Education Spending in Poverty Reduction and Economic Growth

Initiatives such as the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) and the Education Cannot Wait fund are instrumental in providing financial assistance and technical support to strengthen education systems in low-income and crisis-affected countries. By fostering collaboration and coordination among diverse stakeholders, these initiatives contribute to building resilient and inclusive education systems that leave no one behind.