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Daily Trust

Plan International enrolls 7,000 Northern kids in school

Plan International, a humanitarian organisation that advances children’s rights and equality for girls in over 80 countries, has enrolled 7,000 out-of-school children in schools in three North Eastern states of Adamawa, Borno and Yobe.

The Project Coordinator of Plan International, Mr Gambo Daniel, disclosed this to newsmen at the end of a workshop organised by Plan International in collaboration with Save the Children and Education Cannot Wait held in Damaturu, Yobe State.

Project Syndicate

Giving Afghan Girls the Education They Demand

"No matter what the clerics in Kandahar say, Afghans across the country want their sons and daughters to receive an education. A fiercely independent people, Afghans care deeply about the welfare of their families, their communities, and their country. Tellingly, the organizations delivering education and remote-learning services in Afghanistan are struggling to keep up with demand. And the powerful testimonies of Afghan girls affected by the ban, shared as part of Education Cannot Wait’s #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign, demonstrate their desire to study."

Pass Blue

In Haiti, Gangs Recruit Kids Because They Are Not in School

“Education is key,” said Yasmine Sherif, executive director for Education Cannot Wait, a UN entity that partners closely with Unicef, the World Food Program and the Haitian Ministry of Education to fund programs in the country to help standardize curriculums and scale up public education. To increase professionalism in the education sector, this coalition is using international aid to train 2,000 teachers to enable tutoring and recovery classes before schools begin this fall.

Relief Web

Education Cannot Wait Interviews UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini

Philippe Lazzarini: Education is a fundamental human right and children’s access to quality education should never be compromised, even during conflict. It is easier said than done though, and education is a frequent casualty of war. However, it is possible to facilitate learning, even in circumstances as dire as those we see in Gaza. With the support of partners such as Education Cannot Wait, we are working determinedly to offer psychosocial support and activities for children, young people, and their families. Since the war started on 7 October 2023, we have supported over 400,000 children and adolescents through play activities, support sessions for unaccompanied children, individual and group psychosocial consultations, and education sessions on the risk of unexploded ordnances.

Inter Press Service

Power to the Youth

Education Cannot Wait – the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations – puts youth first in everything we do. This starts from the highest levels of ECW’s governance, which includes two inspirational youth leaders, Mutesi Hadijah and Hector Ulloa, who are activating a global youth movement through the #Youth4ECW campaign.

Through ECW investments, we are working to bridge the digital divide, extend remote learning, enhance skills training, and provide young people with the tools, training and knowledge they need to thrive in the fast-changing world of the 21st century.

Blueprint Newspapers Limited

7,000 children enroll into non formal schools in North-east

Over 7, 000 out- of-school children from the local government areas of Fika, in Yobe, Jere in Borno and Michika, Adamawa states were  recently enrolled into a non- formal schools which is a 3- year project implemented by Plan International, founded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW).

Mr.  Gambo Daniel stated that the project ECW is being implemented in Borno,Adamawa and Yobe states since October 2021 with the goal of contributing to improve learning and resilience of boys and girls including adolescents affected by conflict in the states through equitable access to quality education in safe and protective learning spaces.

Нова українська школа

ПОВІР, ти можеш: як українське учнівство починає долати освітні прогалини, спричинені повномасштабною війною

Перші результати роботи освітньої платформи “ПОВІР” засвідчили, що учні й учениці мотивовані наполегливо працювати над надолуженням освітніх втрат.

На етапі розробки й пілотування ПОВІР жодні кошти з державного чи місцевих бюджетів не залучали, оскільки фінансову підтримку здійснюють донорські організації – Міжнародний фонд “Відродження”, міжнародна організація Education Cannot Wait та Програма сприяння громадській активності “Долучайся!”, що фінансується Агентством США з міжнародного розвитку (USAID) та здійснюється Pact в Україні.


A Bright Future For Fatima In Nigeria

Through an innovative hybrid learning program that includes catch-up classes and vocational training, girls and boys in Nigeria’s North East region are gaining the skills they need to thrive in the 21st century. The program is delivered by UNICEF and other strategic partners with support from Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations.

The Times

Iraq’s child marriage law: girls aged 9 don’t belong in a wedding dress

“Girls should be child students and not child brides,” said Yasmine Sherif, executive director of the UN’s Education Cannot Wait. “As a global community, we must say no to forced child marriage.” The US State Department has pledged to outlaw the practice internationally by 2030. Numbers have gone down, says the organisation Girls not Brides, largely because of a campaign in India, but too slowly. At current rates, it estimates it would take 300 years to eliminate child marriage.

UN News

ECW yapeleka Gaza dola milioni 2 kufanikisha mradi wa watoto kujifunza

Ni kwa kutambua hilo hii leo mfuko huo umetangaza kupeleka ruzuku ya dola milioni mbili za kukabiliana na dharura ya kwanza huko Gaza, fedha zitakazotolewa na Baraza la Wakimbizi la Norway, NRC kupitia mradi wake wa Mafunzo Bora kwa watoto ulioanza hivi karibuni Gaza.

Taarifa ya ECW iliyotolewa leo jijini New York, Marekani inasema mradi huo unalenga kuboresha mazingira ya watoto kujifunza huko Gaza.

Mapema wiki hii shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la kusaidia wakimbizi wa kipalestina lilizindua mradi huo wa watoto kujifunza ambao hauhusishi watoto kurudi darasani bali wanapatiwa mbinu mbali mbali za kujifunza nje ya darasa ili kuwasaidia kisaikolojia na stadi mbali mbali.

Levant's Agora

IPS: Gaza Children’s Education, Mental Health Targeted With Emergency Response Grant

Since October 2023, 625,000 children enrolled in schools across Gaza have had no access to education, and more than 370 schools have sustained damage from attacks, according to the United Nations.

Now, in support of efforts to provide girls and boys with access to quality educational opportunities and mental health services, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced today a USD 2 million First Emergency Response Grant in Gaza.

“2.2 million Palestinians in Gaza are in the midst of an epic humanitarian catastrophe, facing inhumane conditions. There is unprecedented violence in modern times, starvation, famine and disease. Desperation and scarcity have led to a total breakdown of the lives of children and adolescents,” Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the Global Fund for Education in Emergencies and Protracted Crises within the United Nations, said when announcing the fast-acting 12-month grant.


Education Cannot Wait Scales-Up Investments in Colombia with US$12 Million Catalytic Multi-Year Resilience Programme Grant, Total Funding Now Tops US$28 Million

Multiple challenges are derailing efforts toward peace, stability and economic progress in Colombia. To address these challenges, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) and its strategic donor partners announced today a US$12 million Multi-Year Resilience Programme grant that will reach over 180,000 children and adolescents with access to quality education.