Nafisa*, Afghanistan

Nafisa*, a young girl from Afghanistan, hopes to go to school to become a doctor.
I Want to Become a Doctor!
My Name is Nafisa*, and my father’s name is Imad. I am currently living in Afghanistan.
I want to learn many things. My hope is to understand everything and to become a doctor for my people.
To reach my dreams, I call on Street Child leadership to continue their helpful support to us. In addition to extension of the current Learning Spaces in our province, I ask them to establish more classes across all parts of Afghanistan for children.
My request from the World leaders is to pay close attention to Afghanistan’s situation. Me and my sisters need education, we should not be forgotten by the world. If I complete my education and become a Surgeon Doctor through attending this class, I would change the life of another generation in my country.
Dear world leaders, please create more learning spaces for Afghan Children and ensure our access to education by funding such wonderful learning opportunities. I will always keep you in my prayers.
Love and peace from Afghanistan,
December 05, 2022
*Name changed for privacy purposes.