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Showing 385 - 396 of 1297 results

NGO empowers 150 youth with start-up kits in Yobe

Plan International in partnership with Save the Children, Yobe State Agency for Mass Education (SAME) with funding from Education Cannot Wait (ECW) Multi year resilience Program (MYRP) in Yobe state have empowered 150 Youths who graduated from their skills acquisition programme with various equipment to start-up their own business.

Mirage News

Minister Hussen Wraps Up Historic 70th Year Canada-Colombia Visit

The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, today concluded a 4-day trip to Colombia, during which he reaffirmed Canada's role as a key ally in supporting Colombia's development, humanitarian, peace and security objectives.

Diario La Libertad

Alcaldía Distrital y Consejo Noruego para Refugiados inauguraron baterías sanitarias en la IED Jackeline Kennedy

Con sonrisas, muchos abrazos y un acróstico con la palabra ‘Gracias’, los estudiantes de básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Distrital Jackeline Kennedy – sede Nuestra Señora del Pilar, recibieron al personal de la Alcaldía de Santa Marta, la Secretaría de Educación Distrital y el Consejo Noruego para Refugiados, CNR, quienes entregaron ocho baterías sanitarias en el plantel.

Government of Canada

Minister Hussen concludes trip to Colombia that marks 70 years of diplomatic relations between Canada and Colombia

The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of International Development, today concluded a 4-day trip to Colombia, during which he reaffirmed Canada’s role as a key ally in supporting Colombia’s development, humanitarian, peace and security objectives.


Unos 72 millones de niños en zonas de crisis nunca vuelven al cole

Un total de 224 millones de niños, niñas y adolescentes en edad escolar viven en contextos de crisis,, y el 32% de ellos (72 millones) están fuera de las escuelas, según datos del último informe de Naciones Unidas Education Cannot Wait.

Light For The World

Inclusive education in South Sudan: education in emergencies for children with disabilities

Education Cannot Wait programme is launched to ensure crisis-affected girls and boys in South Sudan have uninterrupted access to inclusive education and safe, quality learning opportunities. 

An estimated 2.8 million children were out of school in South Sudan in 2020. Though there has been success in enrolling learners in the earliest grades of education, the drop-off thereafter is steep. In 2021 63 percent of children were enrolled in primary education, while just 13 percent were accessing secondary education. 


Al Jazeera Interviews ECW Executive Director, Yasmine Sherif

Al Jazeera interviews the ECW Executive Director, Yasmine Sherif, on the pressing needs of the millions of crisis-affected children and youth around the world who urgently require quality education. Sherif highlights ECW’s ongoing work together with strategic partners to ensure that girls and boys affected by armed conflicts, climate-induced disasters, forced displacement and other crises can access inclusive quality education.  

Global Citizen

5 Ways to Take Action for Gender Equity Right Now

The fights for gender equality and access to education need immediate support; right now that support looks like a big step up in funding from world leaders. As part of this year’s Global Citizen Festival campaign, we are calling on leaders in Japan, France, Germany, Australia, Norway, Denmark, and the UK to help get us back on track to achieving gender equality and eradicating poverty. 

We’re urging them to increase funding for Education Cannot Wait, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), and the Menstrual Health Accelerator — entities that are working tirelessly on the ground to ensure that women and girls’ rights are put first. 

PR Newswire


In 1990, according to the World Bank, 2 billion people were living in extreme poverty. Years of unified action on a global scale saw that number reduced to less than 650 million by 2019, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, for the first time in a generation, extreme poverty is on the rise, threatening to undermine decades of progress. 

This year's Global Citizen Festival campaign is laser-focused on urging governments to take action and address the systemic issues perpetuating extreme poverty. 


Anitta, D-Nice and Sofia Carson To Join Red Hot Chili Peppers, Ms. Lauryn Hill, Megan Thee Stallion, Conan Gray and Stray Kids at the 2023 Global Citizen Festival

In 1990, according to the World Bank, 2 billion people were living in extreme poverty. Years of unified action on a global scale saw that number reduced to less than 650 million by 2019, prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Now, for the first time in a generation, extreme poverty is on the rise, threatening to undermine decades of progress.

This year's Global Citizen Festival campaign is laser-focused on urging governments to take action and address the systemic issues perpetuating extreme poverty. 

UNA Sweden

UN prevents mass graves

Yasmine Sherif has worked at the UN for several decades. She is passionate about humanitarian work and the world's vulnerable. Ahead of the autumn's UN summits, she is now starting a campaign for Afghan girls' right to education. The Swedish UN Association has met Yasmine, who was named UN Friend of the Year in 2017.


Déclaration sur la sécurité dans les écoles : la mise en œuvre s’organise

La ville de Douala abrite depuis hier, 17 août 2023, un atelier d’élaboration d’une feuille de route pour la mise en œuvre de la Déclaration sur la sécurité dans les écoles au Cameroun. Un engagement signé par le gouvernement camerounais le 10 septembre 2018. La rencontre prévue jusqu’à demain, 19 août, est organisée dans le cadre des activités du consortium « Education cannot wait », qui est le Fonds mondial des Nations unies pour l’éducation dans les situations d’urgence et les crises prolongées. Un consortium dont font partie le gouvernement camerounais et ses partenaires comme Plan International, l’Unicef ou encore le ministère norvégien des Affaires étrangères qui a mobilisé les ressources pour l’atelier.