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Daily Mail Online

'Nothing allowed for them': Afghan women demand education rights in UN appeal

Engineering student Somaya Faruqi had to flee Afghanistan to continue her studies after the Taliban government returned to power two years ago and banned more than 1.1 million girls and women from schools and universities.

The 21-year-old, now living in the United States, is the face of a campaign launched Tuesday by the UN's Education Cannot Wait global fund to combat the crisis, marking the two-year anniversary of the fall of the internationally recognized government in Kabul.


'Nothing allowed for them': Afghan women demand education rights in UN appeal

UNITED STATES - Engineering student Somaya Faruqi had to flee Afghanistan to continue her studies after the Taliban government returned to power two years ago and banned more than 1.1 million girls and women from schools and universities.

The 21-year-old, now living in the United States, is the face of a campaign launched Tuesday by the UN's Education Cannot Wait global fund to combat the crisis, marking the two-year anniversary of the fall of the internationally recognized government in Kabul.

India Today

Afghan women bat for education rights in UN appeal, says 'nothing allowed for us'

Engineering student Somaya Faruqi had to flee Afghanistan to continue her studies after the Taliban government returned to power two years ago and banned more than 1.1 million girls and women from schools and universities.

Global Citizen

6 Acts of Resistance By Women in Afghanistan That Show Their True Bravery

Two years ago, on Aug. 15, 2021, the Taliban marched into Kabul and everything changed.

First came the bans on women and girls’ education. Then they were banned from working outside the homeprohibited from accessing public baths, parks, and gyms, and moving freely around the country.

Market Watch

Two Years On: Afghan Girls' Call for their Right to Education Rings Out Louder Than Ever

Education Cannot Wait's new #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign brings voices of Afghan girls targeted by the de facto Taliban authorities' ban on girls' education to the global stage -- on two-year Afghanistan takeover anniversary. 

Yahoo Finance

Two Years On: Afghan Girls' Call for their Right to Education Rings Out Louder Than Ever

Education Cannot Wait's new #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign brings voices of Afghan girls targeted by the de facto Taliban authorities' ban on girls' education to the global stage – on two-year Afghanistan takeover anniversary.


Two Years On: Afghan Girls' Call for their Right to Education Rings Out Louder Than Ever

Education Cannot Wait's new #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign brings voices of Afghan girls targeted by the de facto Taliban authorities' ban on girls' education to the global stage – on two-year Afghanistan takeover anniversary. 


UN fund launches #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign

The UN's Education Cannot Wait (ECW) fund initiated on Tuesday a campaign to increase awareness about the education rights of Afghan girls.

The campaign was developed in collaboration with ECW Global Champion Somaya Faruqi, former captain of the Afghan Girls' Robotic Team, with compelling artwork by a young Afghan female artist.

Relief Web

Two Years On: Afghan Girls’ Call from the Heart to Claim their Right to Education Rings Out Louder Than Ever

Education Cannot Wait launches compelling, poignant, global campaign – bringing the voices of Afghan girls targeted by the de facto Taliban authorities’ ban on girls’ education to the global stage – on two-year anniversary of takeover of Afghanistan

UN News

Afghan girls' voices for education echo loudly through new global campaign

The UN fund that ensures children can continue learning during emergencies and protracted crises, Education Cannot Wait (ECW)launched a campaign on Tuesday to elevate the voices of young Afghan girls deprived of their basic right to education.  

Global Partnership for Education

Syria: Rayan returns to learning

In 2022, UNICEF reached 18,000 children in Al-Hasakeh, northeast Syria, with a self-learning program and remedial classes to help them continue their education.

Arab News

War shatters Sudan education sector

When war in Sudan’s capital forced Sarah Al-Sharif and her family to flee, the 19-year-old information technology student left her books and computer behind.

Now in Sennar, 30km southeast of Khartoum, she lacks a stable internet connection or passport to travel abroad and like many others sees no way of continuing her studies while fighting between rival military factions rages.