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Showing 13 - 24 of 163 results
Cover of Learning Brief

Learning Brief: Good Practices on Gender & Gender-Based Violence Risk Mitigation Integration by Education Clusters

This Learning Brief highlights 20 good practices on Gender and GBV Risk Mitigation integration by Education Clusters throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle, featuring three associated country case studies - AfghanistanDemocratic Republic of Congo...

Knowledge & Resources
Educo Cover

Education in Emergencies: A Lifeline (Funding Analysis for 2023)

Educo's "Education in Emergencies: A Lifeline" is an analysis of education in emergencies financing in 2023. For Educo, education in emergencies is key, urgent and a priority. For this reason, Educo works with the main...

Reports & Evaluations
Cover of INEE brief

Gender-Responsive Inclusive Education: Ensuring Education Access and Quality for Girls with Disabilities

The "Gender-Responsive Inclusive Education: Ensuring Education Access and Quality for Girls with Disabilities" brief was developed to support dissemination of key messages in Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies' Mind the Gap 3: Equity and...

Advocacy Brief/Factsheet
Cover of INEE brief

Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Emergencies: Developing and Delivering Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Education in Crisis Settings

The "Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Emergencies: Developing and Delivering Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Education in Crisis Settings" brief was developed to support dissemination of key messages in Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies' ...

Advocacy Brief/Factsheet
Cover of INEE Brief

Women Who Teach: Recruiting and Retaining Female Teachers in Crisis Settings

The "Women Who Teach: Recruiting and Retaining Female Teachers in Crisis Settings" brief was developed to support the dissemination of key messages in Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies' "Mind the Gap 3: Equity and...

Advocacy Brief/Factsheet
Cover of UNESCO's IIEP Guidelines

IIEP Guidelines: Conceptual Framework for Education in Emergencies Data

This conceptual framework aims to build a shared and comprehensive understanding of what constitute education in emergencies (EiE) data and of the concepts and processes that underpin and guide work on EiE data across a...


Mapping and Gap Analysis: Disability-Inclusive EiE Resources

The document maps existing work on inclusive education and disability-inclusive education in emergencies by collecting existing tools, frameworks, policy and advocacy resources, and more, and presenting them in a repository of resources. The gap analysis...

Knowledge & Resources

Disability-Inclusive EiE: Key Concepts, Approaches, and Principles for Practice

This report defines and clarifies key concepts and terminology for disability-inclusive education in emergencies (EiE) and provides seven guiding principles. It is meant to be used as a companion piece to the Inter-agency Network for...

Knowledge & Resources
Screen capture of ECW's Pledge

Education Cannot Wait Pledge at the Global Refugee Forum 2023

At the 2023 Global Refugee Forum, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) pledged to step up its investments and work with partners around the world to ensure refugee and marginalized host community children have access to a...

Advocacy Brief/Factsheet
Cover of ECWs Climate Appeal

Right Here, Right Now: An Emergency Appeal to Support Education for Children and Adolescents Affected by Climate Hazards

New Education Cannot Wait data reveals that 62 million children and adolescents affected by climate hazards are in desperate need of education support. ECW’s emergency appeal calls on donors to urgently mobilize US$150 Million in...

Strategies & Policies
Cover of EiE Policy Brief from Spanish CSOs

Education in emergency situations: Guarantee the basic right to education especially in times of crisis and conflict

This policy brief, drafted by a platform of NGOs and organizations in Spain (Save the Children, Educo, Ayuda en Acción, Global Campaign for Education, Entreculturas, Doctors of the World, Plan International, UNICEF, and World Vision)...

Strategies & Policies
Cover of ECW's Background Study for the ECW Climate Appeal

Futures at Risk: Climate-Induced Shocks and Their Toll on Education for Crisis-Affected Children

This 2023 background study for the ECW Climate Appeal includes estimates on the effect of climate shocks on children and education around the world. The study presents estimates of the number of crisis-affected children and...

Advocacy Brief/Factsheet