Human Interest Stories

Girls in Ethiopia.
Get to know the inspiring stories of the girls and boys at the heart of ECW results!
ECW’s investments are reaching millions of crisis-affected girls and boys with safe, inclusive quality education. We thank our grantees across the world whose dedicated work in crisis-affected communities is empowering children and adolescents. We are particularly grateful to the girls and boys, parents, teachers and communities supported by ECW-funded programmes who have accepted to share their incredible stories of hope and perseverance. 

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Featured human stories

Student and teacher in Mali.

Mouly's Reading Corner

An Education Cannot Wait-supported “Reading Corner” initiative is bringing out-of-school children like Mouly to the classroom in Timbuktu and Taoudenit, Mali

Hafsat smiles as she teachers her students the alphabet at the ECW-funded temporary learning centre in Hajj Camp. © UNICEF/Ahmad Mari

An Empathetic Educator: Hafsat's Story

A teacher at the Education Cannot Wait-supported, UNICEF-run learning centre in Hajj Camp goes above and beyond for her students affected by armed...


All human stories

Showing 85 - 96 of 106 results
Nyagoa’s Long Journey

In Ethiopia, an Education Cannot Wait supported programme implemented by Save the Children is providing girls with disabilities new educational opportunities.

Promoting Peace in Mali

Education Cannot Wait investments delivered by UNHCR in Mali are training teachers, reducing dropout rates and protecting vulnerable children from abuse, exploitation and...

Classroom in Uganda

In Uganda, a refugee teacher from South Sudan has returned to the classroom through an accelerated education programme implemented by the Norwegian Refugee...