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Près de 60% des bâtiments endommagés ou détruits à Gaza

En septembre, le Fonds mondial des Nations unies pour l'éducation dans les situations d'urgence et de crise, «Education Cannot Wait», faisait état de près de 90% des bâtiments scolaires «endommagés ou détruits» et d'un système éducatif «décimé».

Selon des images du centre satellitaire de l'ONU, datant du 27 août, 68% des surfaces agricoles ont été endommagées, soit 102 km2. Dans le gouvernorat de Gaza Nord, 78%, et dans celui de Rafah, 57%.

La destruction des biens agricoles (comprenant les systèmes d'irrigation, les fermes d'élevage, les vergers, les machines et les installations de stockage) est encore plus importante avec entre 80 et 96% «décimés» dès le début de l'année 2024, selon un rapport de la conférence des Nations unies sur le commerce et le développement publié en septembre.

Odessa Journal

Olena Zelenska: I call on every adult in the world to take action to save children

The event also featured speeches by Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, Amélie Derbaudrenghien, wife of the President of the European Council, Kitty van der Heijden, Deputy Executive Director of UNICEF, Maggie Johnson, Vice President and Global Head of Google, and Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait, the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crisis, as well as youth representatives – a programmer and advocate for the rights of child victims of sexual abuse from Belize and an environmentalist from Senegal.


Education Cannot Wait y los socios estratégicos aceleran la acción anticipatoria a los riesgos climáticos

"La crisis climática está alterando la educación de todas las niñas y todos los niños del planeta Tierra. En ningún otro lugar los desafíos son más graves que en las primeras líneas de los conflictos armados, los desplazamientos forzados y otras crisis prolongadas en lugares como Pakistán y Somalia. Estas inversiones piloto vitales permitirán acciones rápidas, dignas y rentables que protejan las inversiones en educación y otros sectores humanitarios. Son un componente esencial de nuestros esfuerzos globales para cumplir con los objetivos delineados en la Agenda 2030 para el Desarrollo Sostenible y el Acuerdo de París. Instamos a los donantes a que se unan a nosotros, aquí y ahora, para acelerar, ampliar y reproducir estas inversiones innovadoras para sostener y apoyar el vínculo directo entre el cambio climático y la educación", comentó Yasmine Sherif, directora ejecutiva de Education Cannot Wait, el fondo mundial para la educación en situaciones de emergencia y crisis prolongadas de las Naciones Unidas.

Project Syndicate

The UN’s Summit of the Future Must Champion Universal Education

When Education Cannot Wait was established in 2016, it faced the daunting challenge of supporting roughly 75 million children around the world whose education had been disrupted by crises. Since then, according to the organization’s latest global estimate, the number of crisis-affected children in need of educational support has nearly tripled, reaching 224 million.

Gulf Times

Amir's UN speech to focus on peace, development

During the high-level week, two meetings mainly focusing on Palestine will be held. The first meeting is convened by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco), UN International Children's Emergency Fund (Unicef) and the Education Cannot Wait Fund (ECW). The meeting will be held on Sept. 25, during which keynote speakers: Chief of UN Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) Philippe Lazzarini and former UK prime minister Gordon Brown, will address education on the occupied Palestinian territories (Gaza and the West Bank).


Minister distributes computers, bags among teachers, students

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Minister of Elementary & Secondary Education, Faisal Tarakai, distributed computer tablets, bags, and other educational materials to teachers and students of state-run schools under the Multi-Year Resilience Program (MYRP), funded by Education Cannot Wait (ECW).

A total of 1,596 tablets will be distributed to government primary school teachers with the support of UNHCR. Tarakai emphasized that the department, in collaboration with ECW, VSO, PRDS, and UN agencies, aims to adopt technology-driven education approaches and prioritize enrolling out-of-school children.


Cultivating a Culture of Peace: International Day of Peace Statement by Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif

The longing for peace transcends time, geography and religion. Based on justice, human rights and universal values outlined in the UN Charter, a culture of peace brings us all together in our common agenda for humanity. We can only co-exist by aligning ourselves with such a world order.

Educating for peace starts at home and continues in school through years of education. This takes place during the most formative years of a child learning about their identity, ethics, values, conscience, courage and compassion. Wherever there has been a failure in imparting on children the imperative for peace, the world is turned upside down. This is a global failure with no geographical boundaries.


Dubai Cares Unveils Rewiring Education: The Climate Education Nexus' Report

Recognizing that the challenges of climate change and other global crises cannot be solved in silos, the report presents five 'win-win' solutions - across Early Childhood Development (ECD), planet-friendly school meals, teaching as a green profession, youth green skills development, and strategic private sector engagement -demonstrating how cross-sectoral collaboration can be mutually beneficial and align education transformation with climate action, economic development, and social progress to build resilient societies. These are concrete examples where strategic investment and collaboration can drive transformative impacts, accelerating progress on education, climate, and all development fronts. The emphasis on the importance of unifying efforts was echoed by Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait (ECW) at the RewirEd Summit 2023 saying:“Fragmented efforts, where various organizations and sectors work independently of each other, are no longer sufficient to address the complex challenges facing the world today. We need a holistic approach where governments, multilaterals, NGOs, and private sector partners collaborate closely to pool resources and expertise.”

Business Wire

BTS hosts Leading in Messy Times, a social impact event during UNGA

“Through BTS Spark, the Foundation arm of BTS, we leverage our consulting, simulations and coaching to serve education and nonprofit leaders to drive meaningful change and strengthen their culture. We’re proud to highlight this important work during our inaugural event at UNGA Week,” said Jessica Skon, President and CEO, BTS Group.

“More than 224 million children caught in humanitarian crises worldwide need our urgent support in accessing the safety, hope and opportunity that only a quality education can provide. As the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, Education Cannot Wait is building bridges with thought-leaders, innovators and change agents such as the BTS Spark to build a better world through our common agenda and our common commitment to humanity,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait.

Agência O Globo

Resultados contrários a todas as probabilidades: Education Cannot Wait beneficia 11 milhões de crianças em situação de crise mundialmente

Desde que o ECW entrou em atividade, em 2017, seus investimentos beneficiaram 11 milhões de crianças e adolescentes, incluindo 5,6 milhões de meninas e meninos, somente em 2023. Esse número de beneficiários é inédito. No entanto, para atender às necessidades de mais de 224 milhões de crianças, adolescentes e seus professores, que precisam de apoio urgente, são necessários muito mais recursos.

Até o momento, o Fundo mobilizou mais de proveniente de doadores públicos e privados. Contudo, é preciso mobilizar urgentemente US$ 600 milhões em contribuições de doadores para que o ECW e seus parceiros estratégicos atendam a um total de 20 milhões de crianças e adolescentes com educação inclusiva e de qualidade até o final do período de seu plano estratégico 2023-2026.

Modern Diplomacy

Results Against All Odds – Education Cannot Wait for the World’s Most Vulnerable Children

Despite the odds, Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, is achieving significant results. In 2023 alone, ECW, together with its strategic partners, provided quality education to 5.6 million children and adolescents. Since starting its operations in 2017, ECW has reached over 11 million girls and boys and mobilized more than $1.6 billion for its Trust Fund, which has helped millions more.

Yahoo Finance France

Nous sommes solidaires avec les filles et les femmes d'Afghanistan

En tant que fervent défenseur des droits humains des filles, et notamment du droit le plus fondamental, celui à une éducation inclusive et continue de qualité, Education Cannot Wait (Éducation sans délai) et ses partenaires stratégiques lancent un appel au monde par le biais de sa campagne #AfghanGirlsVoices. Ensemble, nous avons rassemblé des œuvres d'art et des appels à l'action lancés par des dirigeants mondiaux, et transmis les récits d'espoir, de courage et de résilience provenant de filles et de jeunes femmes afghanes qui refusent de succomber à l'oppression et de renoncer à leur droit à l'éducation.