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UN Geneva

What’s going on with the world (and the future) at the UN?

As the war rages on in Gaza, two events will be convened during the High-Level Week with focus on Palestinians.

A high-level meeting on education in the Occupied Palestinian Territory – Gaza and the West Bank – is planned for 25 September, convened by the UN agency for Palestine refugees, UNRWA, and UN agencies UNESCO and UNICEF as well as Education Cannot Wait. Keynote addresses are expected to be made by UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini and former United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown.

Vancouver Sun

BTS hosts Leading in Messy Times, a social impact event during UNGA

"More than 224 million children caught in humanitarian crises worldwide need our urgent support in accessing the safety, hope and opportunity that only a quality education can provide. As the global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises within the United Nations, Education Cannot Wait is building bridges with thought-leaders, innovators, and change agents such as the BTS Spark to build a better world through our common agenda and our common commitment to humanity,” said Yasmine Sherif, Executive Director of Education Cannot Wait.


Wir stehen an der Seite der Mädchen und Frauen in Afghanistan

Als überzeugte Verfechter der Menschenrechte von Mädchen, nicht zuletzt des grundlegendsten Rechts – ihres Rechts auf eine umfassende und kontinuierliche hochwertige Bildung – rufen Education Cannot Wait und unsere strategischen Partner die Welt durch unsere Advocacy-Kampagne #AfghanGirlsVoices auf. Gemeinsam und kollektiv haben wir Kunstwerke und Aufrufe zum Handeln von weltweit führenden Persönlichkeiten zusammengetragen sowie die inspirierenden Geschichten von Hoffnung, Mut und Widerstandskraft direkt von afghanischen Mädchen und jungen Frauen, die sich der Unterdrückung widersetzen und sich weigern, ihr Recht auf Bildung aufzugeben, übermittelt.

PR Newswire

We Stand with the Girls and Women of Afghanistan

Education Cannot Wait Executive Director Yasmine Sherif statement ahead of the 3-year anniversary of ban on girls' secondary education in Afghanistan.

Today, we ask world leaders everywhere to join ECW and our global strategic partners in calling for an end to the ban on education and to take action. We call on you to fund the ongoing education initiatives at the local level defying this illegal and irrational ban. Second, we call on you to resolve the catastrophe for the girls of Afghanistan stemming from ignorance rather than enlightenment. Afghanistan deserves better and it is urgent.


Education Cannot Wait: We Stand with the Girls and Women of Afghanistan

Celebrities, world leaders and passionate influencers continue to promote the #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign.

"The world must unite behind Afghan girls. Denying their right to education is a violation of the UN Charter, Convention on the Rights of the Child and basic human rights. Through the #AfghanGirlsVoices campaign, people everywhere can stand up for human rights and gender-justice by sharing their words of courage, hope and resilience," said The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education and Chair of ECW's High-Level Steering Group.


We Stand with the Girls and Women of Afghanistan

As a staunch champion for girls' human rights, not the least the most foundational right – their right to an inclusive and continued quality education – Education Cannot Wait and our strategic partners call out to the world through our #AfghanGirlsVoices advocacy campaign. Together and collectively, we have brought together artwork and calls to action by global leaders, and conveyed the inspiring stories of hope, courage and resilience straight from Afghan girls and young women refusing to succumb to oppression and refusing to give up on their right to an education.


Pathways To Education Provide Hope To Haiti’s Children

Catch-up classes offer girls and boys in Haiti the opportunity to continue their education despite ongoing violence. The classes are provided through an Education Cannot Wait-backed program delivered by UNICEF, WFP and local partners to improve access to continuous, quality education.

Yahoo Finanzen

Education Cannot Wait fordert den Schutz und die Bereitstellung von Mitteln für die Bildung, da die Kinder in der Ukraine in das dritte Schuljahr unter Kriegsbedingungen gehen

Bei einer hochrangigen UN-Mission in die Ukraine in dieser Woche traf sich die Führung von Education Cannot Wait (ECW) mit Mädchen und Jungen, die von dem brutalen Krieg betroffen sind, und mit Partnern vor Ort, um besser zu verstehen, wie die Bildung von etwa 4 Mio. Kindern in der Ukraine unterbrochen wurde.

Der Besuch endete auf dem Vierten Gipfeltreffen der First Ladies and Gentlemen mit einem Aufruf an die Staats- und Regierungschefs der Welt, sich für den Schutz der Bildung vor Angriffen einzusetzen und die Mittel aufzustocken, um einen lebensrettenden Zugang zu sichererem Präsenzunterricht, bei Bedarf zu Fernunterricht und Nachhilfeunterricht zu ermöglichen, der auf Qualität und integrative Bildung setzt.

Global Diaspora News

¿Qué sucede con el mundo (y el futuro) en la ONU?

El 25 de septiembre está prevista una reunión de alto nivel sobre la educación en los Territorios Palestinos Ocupados (Gaza y Cisjordania), convocada por la Agencia de la ONU para los Refugiados Palestinos (UNRWA), la Organización para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura (UNESCO), y el Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para la Infancia (    UNICEF), así como por La educación no puede esperar. Está previsto que Philippe Lazzarini, director de UNRWA, y Gordon Brown, ex primer ministro del Reino Unido, pronuncien los discursos de apertura.


Education Cannot Wait Calls for Education to be Protected and Resourced as Children Across Ukraine Enter Third School Year Under War

The visit concluded at the Fourth Summit of First Ladies and Gentlemen with ECW calling on world leaders to commit to protecting education from attack and to scale-up funding to provide life-saving access to safer in-person classes, remote learning opportunities when necessary, and remedial catch-up classes, driven by quality and inclusive education.


Logros de aprendizaje de estudiantes en situación de movilidad: Los casos de Colombia, Ecuador y Perú: documento de información

This report is part of the regional component of the Multi-Year Resilience Programme by Education Cannot Wait. It is the second in a series of three reports designed to support the creation and implementation of educational policies in these countries that ensure the right to education for people in situations of mobility.

Pioneer Newz

Education Cannot Wait Demande Que L’éducation Soit Protégée Et Dotée De Ressources, Alors Que Les Enfants D’ukraine Entament Leur Troisième Année Scolaire Dans Un Contexte De Guerre.

"Cette guerre atroce doit cesser maintenant ! Tant que les enfants, les adolescents et les enseignants d’Ukraine subiront cette horreur inimaginable, les écoles devront être protégées contre les attaques. En tant que communauté mondiale, nous devons relever le défi qui se présente à nous pour faire en sorte que chaque fille et chaque garçon d’Ukraine touché par cette guerre brutale, et les réfugiés, aient accès à la sécurité, à l’espoir et aux opportunités que seule une éducation de qualité peut offrir", a déclaré Yasmine Sherif, directrice exécutive d’Education Cannot Wait (ECW), le fonds mondial pour l’éducation dans les situations d’urgence et les crises prolongées au sein des Nations unies. "Notre investissement dans l’éducation est un investissement dans le redressement, la paix, la sécurité et la justice pour l’Ukraine et au-delà. C’est un investissement dans le vaste potentiel des générations futures."