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Education Cannot Wait pide que se proteja y se proporcionen recursos a la educación

En una misión de alto nivel de las Naciones Unidas a Ucrania esta semana, los líderes de Education Cannot Wait (ECW) se reunieron con niñas y niños afectados por la brutal guerra y con socios en el terreno para comprender mejor cómo se ha visto interrumpida la educación de unos 4 millones de niños en Ucrania.

Global Citizen

Doja Cat to Co-Headline 2024 Global Citizen Festival and Advocate for People in Crisis

It’s time to join Doja Cat and Global Citizen in turning up the volume on change. You can take action by supporting Global Citizen’s partner Education Cannot Wait, an organization that provides schooling to children in some of the world's most vulnerable regions. CARE, another Global Citizen partner, delivers lifesaving aid and defends the lives of children in crisis hotspots, from Gaza to Yemen to Sudan to Ukraine.


Over 100,000 displaced children in southern Haiti at risk of having their right to education compromised.

The education of over 100,000 school-aged children displaced in Haiti’s Grand South is in jeopardy as the continued surge of violence, particularly in Port-au-Prince and surrounding areas, has put immense pressure on local communities and their already fragile social services. 

In July, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) announced a fast-acting US$2.5 million First Emergency Response grant to UNICEF that will provide life-saving access to quality education for girls and boys impacted by the rise in violence.  


Počet útoků na studenty a učitele po celém světě roste. V průměru dojde k 8 denně

Výsledná statistika představuje v průměru osm útoků za den. Někdy je terčů více zároveň a obětí je podle studie deset tisíc. K již tak znepokojivému číslu je potřeba doplnit, že zhruba tisíc školských zařízení bylo zneužito k vojenským účelům, uvedla Světová koalice na ochranu vzdělávání před útoky, která je hlavní autorkou studie.

„Více než deset tisíc studentů a pedagogů bylo zabito, zraněno, uneseno, zadrženo nebo nějak jinak zasaženo,“ uvedla Světová koalice na ochranu vzdělávání, v níž je sdruženo několik humanitárních a mezinárodních organizací.


Cuando bombardean una escuela, muere la esperanza

Cuando bombardean una escuela, muere laesperanza. Cuando se secuestra a niños de sus aulas y se les obliga a sufrir formas inimaginables deesclavitud moderna y abuso, se destruye nuestro sueño de paz e igualdad. Cuando los maestrostienen demasiado miedo para enseñar, nuestra sociedad está en peligro.

Se trata de un problema mundial urgente con consecuencias globales. De promedio, en 2022 y 2023se registraron ocho ataques diarios a la educación o casos de uso militar de escuelas en todo elmundo, según el informe recién publicado "Education Under Attack 2024". Solo el año pasado, másde 10.000 estudiantes y educadores fueron asesinados, heridos, secuestrados, arrestados osufrieron otros daños a causa de estos ataques.


When a School is Bombed, Hope Dies

Today, we must stand firm against attacks on education. Today, we must hold the perpetrators of these attacks accountable for these actions. Today, we must provide renewed hope for the girls and boys who have endured these horrific ordeals to return them to the safety and solace of the classroom. We have learnt from history that the most effective way to destroy a people, their identity, their culture and their human rights is to destroy their education. Now, more than ever, "Never again" must mean never again!


When A School Is Bombed, Hope Dies

On average, eight attacks on education or cases of military use of schools were recorded daily around the world in 2022 and 2023, according to the newly released 'Education Under Attack 2024' report. Last year alone, more than 10,000 students and educators were killed, injured, abducted, arrested or otherwise harmed by these attacks.

This year's International Day to Protect Education from Attack comes at a time of unprecedented violence, hate, fear and terror in countries across the globe. In Gaza, nearly 90% of school buildings have been damaged or destroyed. In fact, the education system has been decimated, according to UNRWA. This horrific catastrophe has left over 40,000 Palestinians dead, according to the
Palestinian Ministry of Health.

Ministerio de Educación

Education Cannot Wait aumenta las inversiones en Colombia con una subvención de US$12 millones del Catalizador Programa de Resiliencia Multianual, el financiamiento total ahora supera los US$28 millones

Múltiples desafíos están descarrilando los esfuerzos hacia la paz, la estabilidad y el progreso económico en Colombia. Para hacer frente a estos desafíos, Education Cannot Wait (ECW) y sus donantes estratégicos anunciaron hoy una subvención de 12 millones de dólares del Programa Multianual de Resiliencia que llegará a más de 180.000 niños, niñas y adolescentes con acceso a una educación de calidad.

El financiamiento total de ECW en Colombia ahora supera los US$28 millones. Para hacer frente a la crisis regional de refugiados en Venezuela, ECW ha invertido casi 70 millones de dólares hasta la fecha en Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú y Venezuela.

The Borgen Project

Haiti’s $23 Million Deficit and Crippling Gang Violence

The Haiti Education Foundation and Hope for Haiti are actively working to alleviate the educational debt and enhance the schooling system for children by providing scholarships, training teachers and supplying essential back-to-school items. The Haiti Education Foundation is currently matching donations from Sept. 1 through Dec. 15. Additionally, Hope for Haiti is organizing various events, including Celebrating Hope in Greenwich, Connecticut on October 3rd, featuring a silent auction to support Haitian families. Moreover, the U.N. Global Fund Education Cannot Wait has committed a $2.5 million grant aimed at assisting 75,000 children with cash transfers, school feeding programs and other vital initiatives.

AsiaNet Pakistan

Pakistan: Education Sector Working Group (EIE) Bulletin 2024

The recovery efforts from the 2022 floods continued to be a focal point for the ESWG. The Multi-Year Resilience Programme (MYRP) successfully reached 140,423 children, including refugee children in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Balochistan, while the Refugee Response Plan (RRP) facilitated educational access for 82,741 children in refugee villages and host communities.

Education Cannot Wait (ECW), a global fund dedicated to education in emergencies, has selected Pakistan for piloting Anticipatory Action (AA) activities, allocating US$2.5 million in new funding to bolster the nation’s educational resilience.

The Borgen Project

Haiti’s $23 Million Deficit And Crippling Gang Violence

The Haiti Education Foundation and Hope for Haiti are actively working to alleviate the educational debt and enhance the schooling system for children by providing scholarships, training teachers and supplying essential back-to-school items. The Haiti Education Foundation is currently matching donations from Sept. 1 through Dec. 15. Additionally, Hope for Haiti is organizing various events, including Celebrating Hope in Greenwich, Connecticut on October 3rd, featuring a silent auction to support Haitian families. Moreover, the U.N. Global Fund Education Cannot Wait has committed a $2.5 million grant aimed at assisting 75,000 children with cash transfers, school feeding programs and other vital initiatives.


Borno Receives 1,500 Menstrual Hygiene Kits from NGO

Lawan Wakilbe, the Commissioner for Education, Science, Innovations, and Technology, announced this during a meeting with a delegation from Save the Children, led by Daniel Rotgakka, Education Project Coordinator for the “Education Cannot Wait” initiative, in Maiduguri.

Chachu Tadicha, Deputy Director of Programme Operations at Save the Children International (SCI), explained that, with funding from “Education Cannot Wait,” SCI is implementing a three-year Multi-Year Resilience Project in Borno State. The project aims to increase access to quality and inclusive basic education for crisis-affected girls and boys in safe learning environments in North-East Nigeria.